
January 17-21, 2011 - Training Workshop on Intel Teach: A Project-Based Approach

Posted on : December 23, 2010

The Philippine Association For Teacher Education (PAFTE) Region X in coordination with MSU-IIT's College of Education and Intel Philippines will hold a seminar entitled "Training Workshop on Intel Teach: A Project-Based Approach" January 17-21, 2011 at CED, MSU-IIT. Expected participants of the seminar are Deans and Faculty members of Teacher Education Institutions who are teaching Educational Technology and related fields. The PAFTE General Assembly is scheduled on the last day of the seminar. A registration fee of Two-thousand pesos (Php 2000.00) will be charged to every participant inclusive of meals, kits, rental of facilities and honoraria of speakers.

For more details, please contact the PAFTE Region X President Dr. Rolando Acoriba @ (08822) 740542/740222.

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