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Identify significant results/information for policy formulation and development planning of the Institute and/or other concerned agency. Identify new researchable areas. Rules The competition is open to all Colleges and Schools covering completed, on-going and new (initiated within the year) R&D projects. Nature of R&D covers all areas of specialization in the natural and social sciences. Categories are: Research (on-going and completed) Agriculture, Forestry, Natural Resources (AFNR) Non-agriculture, Forestry and Natural Resources (Non-AFNR) Development Agriculture, Forestry, Natural Resources (AFNR) Non-agriculture, Forestry and Natural Resources (Non-AFNR) Thesis and Dissertation (Graduate and Undergraduate) Technical Posters Only R&D projects conducted in the last three years which have not been entered in previous BAIHRs and/or NOMCARRD R&D Symposia will qualify for presentation. The following schedule applies: Submission of 6 hard copies of full paper with abstracts and 1 soft copy August 14, 2015 WRITTEN PAPER SPECIFICATIONS Papers should follow the NOMCARRD paper presentation format (available at Department of Research Office). Text font to be used should be Arial, not smaller than size 10 characters per inch including those in graphs, tables, charts and labels. Paper used should be short bond (8 x 11). Paper should include abstract of not more than 250 words and total pages should not exceed 20. The name of the paper presenter should be highlighted in the paper submitted. Paper/s should be submitted in six (6) hard copies and one (1) CD. Submitted entries shall be screened based on compliance to the specifications stated above. Poster size is 40 x 30. PAPER PRESENTATION A. ORAL Oral presentation shall be for 15 minutes. A timer shall be utilized to prompt presenters 5 minutes before time will expire. There will be an open forum to allow time for clarifications and questions thrown by the panel of evaluators and the audience if time permits. B. POSTER Poster presenters should mount their posters at the designated area at the mini-theater lobby in the morning of October 8, 2015. At least one author should be physically present during the Poster Session. Evaluation Criteria A panel of evaluators from external agencies shall judge entries based on the following criteria: Best Paper CriteriaWeight (%)ResearchDevelopmentDisserta-tionSignificance of FindingsContribution to Scientific Advancement251025Relevance to Regional Thrusts15-15Contribution to Productivity/Cost Effectiveness-15-Acceptability of Technology to En-Users-15-MethodologyAdequacy of Design and Procedure101010Efficiency of Design and Procedure101010Innovativeness101010ManuscriptClarity of Style101010Cogency / Logic555Oral PresentationClarity555Visual Aids446Stage Presence & Response to Inquiries664T O T A L100100100 Technical Poster CriteriaWeight (%)Significance of Findings50Potential Contribution20Impact30Methodology / Approach20Procedure8Originality / Linkage8Resourcefulness4Technical Poster Presentation30Clarity / Coherence6Style of Presentation3Cogency / Logic6Attractiveness6Blending of Texts and Graphics6Logical Order of Presentation3 T O T A L100 Three winners per category shall be declared. AWARDS Certificates, plaques and cash awards will be given to the winners. FRANCO G. TEVES, Ph,D., FPAM JINKY BORNALES, Ph.D. Director, Department of Research VC for Research and Extension  L ˱r`R>-R h^5;CJOJQJ^JaJ&hWNh^5;CJOJQJ^JaJh^CJOJQJ^JaJ#h4h^5CJOJQJ^JaJ#h 8h^5CJOJQJ^JaJhE 5CJOJQJ^JaJh5CJOJQJ^JaJh 5CJOJQJ^JaJh^5CJOJQJ^JaJh; p5OJQJ^JhWNh^5OJQJ^JhWNh^5H*OJQJ^Jh 5OJQJ^Jh5OJQJ^JL j 2 g $ & F 0^a$gd^$ & F ^a$gd^$ & F 8h^h`a$gd^$a$gd^$a$gd^$00]0^0a$gd^ st#2679GUVoκn\nnH7 hMh^CJOJQJ^JaJ&hMh^5;CJOJQJ^JaJ#hE hE 5CJOJQJ^JaJ h; phE CJOJQJ^JaJhE CJOJQJ^JaJh; pCJOJQJ^JaJh^CJOJQJ^JaJ h^5;CJOJQJ^JaJ&hWNh^5;CJOJQJ^JaJ#h39h^5CJ OJQJ^JaJ h^5CJOJQJ^JaJ hWNh^CJOJQJ^JaJg  Y e 34 $$Ifa$gd; p$$If]a$gdE $ & Fa$gd^$ & F Da$gd^ $ & Fa$gd^$ & F 0^a$gd^4568$$If^a$gdE $$Ifa$gdE ckd$$Ifl40R&/`#~ t-644 la<pytE 89VIw$gpppppppphh$a$gd^$ & F ^a$gd^$ & F 8h^h`a$gd^ckdy$$Ifl40R&/ #~ t-644 la<pytE $[]b䴢qq]I&h39h^5;CJ OJQJ^JaJ &h1yh^5;CJOJQJ^JaJhCJOJQJ^JaJ h^5;CJOJQJ^JaJ#h39h^5CJ OJQJ^JaJ #h1yh^5CJOJQJ^JaJ hWNh^CJOJQJ^JaJh CJOJQJ^JaJ hMh^CJOJQJ^JaJh^CJOJQJ^JaJhdCJOJQJ^JaJ{   \]i$ & F L8^8a$gd^$ & F ^a$gd^$a$gd^$ & F 8^8a$gd^$ & F 8^8a$gd^ $h^ha$gd^$ & F 8h^h`a$gd^ir}~ :>WZf5̺̺̩̩̩̩̩̩̩އve h^5;CJOJQJ^JaJ h39h^CJ OJQJ^JaJ h1yh^CJOJQJ^JaJ h; ph^CJ OJQJ^JaJ h; ph^CJOJQJ^JaJ#h; ph^5CJOJQJ^JaJ#h; ph^5CJOJQJ^JaJh^CJOJQJ^JaJ&hWNh^5;CJOJQJ^JaJ"ir}~_kd$$Ifl404$d\ t!44 la<pyt; p $$Ifa$gd; pocWWW $$Ifa$gd; p $$Ifa$gd; pkdi$$Ifl4\4 X $d88 t!44 la<p(yt; pqeeYYY $$Ifa$gd; p $$Ifa$gd; pkd$$Ifl\4 X $d88 t!44 la<p(yt; pYMMAAA $$Ifa$gd; p $$Ifa$gd; pkd$$Iflr4 X $x88 t!44 la<p2yt; pKMPRYMMAAA $$Ifa$gd; p $$Ifa$gd; pkd0$$Iflr4 X $x88 t!44 la<p2yt; pRST|~YMMAAA $$Ifa$gd; p $$Ifa$gd; pkd$$Iflr4 X $x88 t!44 la<p2yt; pYMAAA $$Ifa$gd; p $$Ifa$gd; pkdv$$Iflr4 X $x88 t!44 la<p2yt; pqeeYYY $$Ifa$gd; p $$Ifa$gd; pkd$$Ifl\4 X $d88 t!44 la<p(yt; pYMMAAA $$Ifa$gd; p $$Ifa$gd; pkd$$Iflr4 X $x88 t!44 la<p2yt; pYMMAAA $$Ifa$gd; p $$Ifa$gd; pkdG$$Iflr4 X $x88 t!44 la<p2yt; pYMAAA $$Ifa$gd; p $$Ifa$gd; pkd$$Iflr4 X $x88 t!44 la<p2yt; p),/2qeeYYY $$Ifa$gd; p $$Ifa$gd; pkd$$Ifl\4 X $d88 t!44 la<p(yt; p234DFHJYMMAAA $$Ifa$gd; p $$Ifa$gd; pkd$$Iflr4 X $x88 t!44 la<p2yt; pJK]^_`YMAAA $$Ifa$gd; p $$Ifa$gd; pkd$$Iflr4 X $x88 t!44 la<p2yt; p`abjlnpqeeYYY $$Ifa$gd; p $$Ifa$gd; pkd^ $$Ifl\4 X $d88 t!44 la<p(yt; ppqr~YMMAAA $$Ifa$gd; p $$Ifa$gd; pkd $$Iflr4 X $x88 t!44 la<p2yt; pYMMAAA $$Ifa$gd; p $$Ifa$gd; pkd $$Iflr4 X $x88 t!44 la<p2yt; pYMA555 $$Ifa$gd; p $$Ifa$gd; p $$Ifa$gd; pkd/ $$Iflr4 X $x88 t!44 la<p2yt; pYQ=11 $$Ifa$gd; p$ & F L8^8a$gd^$a$gd^kd $$Iflr4 X $x88 t!44 la<p2yt; p '_kd $$Ifl0#8 t644 la<pyt; p $$Ifa$gd; p $$Ifa$gd; p_kdu $$Ifl0n#Pp t644 la<pyt; p(+,-.589WkdM $$Ifl\n#88 t644 la<p(yt; p $$Ifa$gd; p $$Ifa$gd; p 9:;<=>occWW $$Ifa$gd; p $$Ifa$gd; pkd $$Ifl\n#88 t644 la<p(yt; p>?VWZmaUU $$Ifa$gd; p $$Ifa$gd; pkdu$$Ifl<\n#88 t644 la<p(yt; pZ[\fhi{{oo $$Ifa$gd; p $$Ifa$gd; pwkd $$IflFn#P88 t6    44 la<pyt; pijkoccWW $$Ifa$gd; p $$Ifa$gd; pkd$$Ifl\n#88 t644 la<p(yt; poccWW $$Ifa$gd; p $$Ifa$gd; pkd$$Ifl\n#88 t644 la<p(yt; poccWW $$Ifa$gd; p $$Ifa$gd; pkd$$Ifl\n#88 t644 la<p(yt; pocWW $$Ifa$gd; p $$Ifa$gd; pkdE$$Ifl\n#88 t644 la<p(yt; p{{oo $$Ifa$gd; p $$Ifa$gd; pwkd$$IflFn#P88 t6    44 la<pyt; poccWW $$Ifa$gd; p $$Ifa$gd; pkdU$$Ifl\n#88 t644 la<p(yt; p  occWW $$Ifa$gd; p $$Ifa$gd; pkd$$Ifl\n#88 t644 la<p(yt; p   occWW $$Ifa$gd; p $$Ifa$gd; pkd}$$Ifl\n#88 t644 la<p(yt; p ?ABoccWW $$Ifa$gd; p $$Ifa$gd; pkd$$Ifl\n#88 t644 la<p(yt; pBCDbdeoccWW $$Ifa$gd; p $$Ifa$gd; pkd$$Ifl\n#88 t644 la<p(yt; pefocW $$Ifa$gd; p $$Ifa$gd; pkd9$$Ifl\n#88 t644 la<p(yt; p345lY$ & F ^a$gd^$ & F 8h^h`a$gd^$ & F ^a$gd^$a$gd^_kd$$Ifl0#8 t644 la<pyt; p 5KMNZlv hhx6CJOJQJ^JaJh^CJOJQJ^JaJh9CJOJQJ^JaJh5CJOJQJ^JaJh95CJOJQJ^JaJh^5CJOJQJ^JaJ#hJ.rh^5CJOJQJ^JaJ 5$a$gd$a$gd^6&P 1h:p^. 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