MSU-IIT ROADMAP: Internal Stakeholders’ Consultation

When: Monday, October 27, 2014 08:00 AM-05:00 PM
Where: MSU-IIT Conference Hall, College of Nursing

The MSU-IIT Roadmap-Technical Working Group through the Office of the Vice Chancellor for Planning and Development is tasked to identify strategies and major steps in the process of formulating an Institute Roadmap; provide timelines and identify needed logistics; suggest major areas where the Institute may excel; and submit its output to the Office of the Chancellor.

With the drafted Institute Roadmap which is the output of the series of meetings and workshop done by the TWG, the said consultation activity will be conducted to solicit valuable plans, strategies, and other major concerns from all College Deans, School Directors, and Department Chairpersons within the Institute in the finalization of the Institute Roadmap.

Further, for advance reading of the drafted Institute Roadmap, the OVCPD secretariat will send copies to all expected participants through their g.msuiit email accounts.

Cost: Free. OVCPD as host will provide snacks, lunch, kits and other materials for the activity.

OVCPD. Email: ovcpd@g.msuiit.edu.ph. Local Tel.no.: 4159

Tag: MSU-IIT Roadmap
MSU-IIT ROADMAP: Internal Stakeholders’ Consultation
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