
Luzano, Jelli Grace C. » Research » Scholarly articles

Title Investigating the latent dimensions of posttraumatic stress disorder and the role of anxiety sensitivity in combat-exposed Filipino soldiers
Authors Mordeno, Imelu G; Luzano, Jelli Grace C.; Mordeno, Emelyn R.; Ferolino, Michelle Anne L.
Publication date 2020
Journal Military Psychology
Volume 32
Issue 3
Pages 223-236
Publisher Routledge
Abstract Identifying the optimal factor structure of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) has recently been reinvigorated in literature due to the substantial changes to its diagnostic criteria in the fifth revision of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5). Currently, six models of PTSD are supported in literature, but there is no consensus on the best-fitting factor structure. Additionally, the extant literature examining the relationship between PTSD symptom-grouping and AS in the latent level has been scarce. The present study芒聙聶s objectives are two-fold: first, we aimed to identify the best-fitted model of PTSD by comparing the six empirically-supported models, and; second, we examined the relationship between the best-fitting model with anxiety sensitivity (AS). Utilizing a sample of 476 combat-exposed soldiers, the results suggest that both the anhedonia and hybrid models provide the best fit to the data 芒聙娄
Index terms / Keywords Posttraumatic stress disorder, anxiety sensitivity, factor structure, confirmatory factor anakysis
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