
Llantos, Orven E. » Research » Scholarly articles

Title The current research status of solving blockchain scalability issue
Authors Lincopinis, Darllaine R; Llantos, Orven E
Publication date 2024/07/25
Journal Procedia Computer Science
Volume 239
Pages 314-321
Publisher Elsevier
Abstract Blockchain is an emerging technology with Big data, Artificial Intelligence, and Machine Learning. It disrupted industries such as health, education, manufacturing, and banking. However, the increasing popularity of Blockchain exposes the scalability issues of major public blockchain platforms (e.g., Bitcoin and Ethereum) and dramatically affects its development. The scalability problem manifests in terms of Low throughput, high transaction latency, and massive energy consumption. Several reviews and studies cover these factors and their potential solutions, yet these studies need to highlight more information through actual application to natural systems or projects. This study investigates all relevant papers on current research solutions for public blockchain scalability issues. The scope of this paper is to explore the implementation of different state-of-the-art scalability solutions to natural systems and projects while simultaneously highlighting the results. This study discusses the methods and techniques used and the challenges encountered that have yet to future researchers must explore.
Index terms / Keywords blockchain technologyblockchain scalability issueblockchain scalability solutionspublic blockchain
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