Jamil, Ferdinand P. » Research » Scholarly articles

Title Transversal total domination in graphs
Authors A. Bonsocan and F. Jamil
Publication date 2023
Journal Discrete Mathematics, Algorithms and Applications
Publisher World Scientific
Abstract Let G be a finite simple graph. A set S ⊆ V ( G ) is a total hop dominating set of G if for every v ∈ V ( G ) , there exists u ∈ S such that d G ( u , v ) = 2 . Any total hop dominating set of G of minimum cardinality is a γ th -set of G . A total hop dominating set S of G which intersects every γ th -set of G is a transversal total hop dominating set. The minimum cardinality ˆ γ th ( G ) of a transversal total hop dominating set in G is the transversal total hop domination number of G . In this paper, we initiate the study of transversal total hop domination in graphs. First, we characterize a graph G of order n for which ˆ γ th ( G ) is n or n − 1 , and also we determine the specific values of ˆ γ th ( G ) for some special graphs G . Next, we solve some realization problems involving ˆ γ th ( G ) with other parameters of G . Finally, we investigate the transversal total hop domination in the complementary prism, corona, and lexicographic product of graphs.
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