
Guerrero, Rodel D. » Research » Scholarly articles

Title Acid-Catalysed Hydrolysis of Coconut Shells as an Agricultural Residue: Evaluation of Furfural Production
Authors Guerrero, Rodel D.; Tumolva, Terence P.; Kubuochi, Masatoshi
Publication date 2013/11
Abstract Furfural is the product of the hydrolysis of pentosan-rich materials via acid hydrolysis of nonfood waste products of food crops. It is an essential chemical substance because of its use as a selective solvent for the separation of saturated and unsaturated compounds in fuel. Furthermore, it is also utilized to derive other valuable chemicals such as furfuryl alcohol which is the basic component for the production of furan resin thermosets. Pentosans from coconut shell, which is a common agricultural residue in the Philippines, was used in this study. The designed laboratory synthesis of furfural was done by acid catalyzed hydrolysis. The acid hydrolyses were carried out at 180脗掳C using dilute (0.2 M) sulfuric acid for different hydrolysis times. Results show that the proposed method was successful in producing furfural. Also, the results showed that the furfural yield increases as digestion time increases, but only up to a certain hydrolysis time for which the maximum average percent mass furfural yield can be obtained. After which, a decrease in mass yield will be noticed.
Index terms / Keywords Furfural; Pentosan; Acid Hydrolysis; Coconut Shells; Hydrolysis Time
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