
Ridad, Geraldine S. » Research » Scholarly articles

Title Learning Preferences of MSU-IIT Nursing Students
Authors Geraldine S. Ridad, Thiennette Reville , Jonal-James Abdul , Robert Balancar , Lani Pearl Lebumfacil
Publication date 2017/9
Conference 10th International Conference on Educational Research (ICER) 2017
Abstract Learning is a very complex process and involves a lot of important factors. Teachers and instructors do play a vital role to ensure that all of these factors are being taken into consideration as they teach. Few of these factors are the students脙垄脗聙脗聶 age, gender, year level, teaching strategies used by the teachers and the learning preferences of the students. Thus, this study aimed to determine the demographic profile of the respondents, their learning preference, the significant difference in their learning preferences according to year level, age and gender; and lastly the significant relationship between the demographic profiles and the learning preferences of the respondents. Standardized Survey questionnaires were utilized to gather data from 146 nursing students of MSU-IIT using stratified random sampling method. The data categorized under year level and age were analyzed using the Multivariate Analysis of Variance (MANOVA) while the data under gender were analyzed using the Discriminant Function. Results showed that respondents differ in their learning preferences according to their year level, age and gender. Most of them differ in environmental, personal and time-frame preferences. Moreover, the first and second year respondents which fall within the 16-18 age bracket have similar learning preferences which is to learn by themselves. Whereas, the third and fourth year students who fall within the 19-21 age brackets, preferred to pace their own learning and learn with their educators. Gender wise, it was found out that female students preferred to learn in a formal arrangement and with their educators; they have longer attention span as compared to the males who have shorter attention span and learn best in the afternoon. In conclusion, the demographic profiles of the respondents in terms of age, gender and year level has a significant relationship to the learning preferences of the students.
Index terms / Keywords Learning Preference, Learning, Nursing Education
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