
Orbita, Maria Luisa S. » Research » Scholarly articles

Title Growth, biomass and productivity of green seaweed Caulerpa lentillifera (J. Agardh) at different stocking densities
Authors Ronnah Lyn J. Gerundio, Ronaldo R. Orbita, Maria Luisa S. Orbita
Publication date 2020/04/29
Journal International Journal of Biosciences (IJB)
Volume 16
Issue 4
Pages 290-298
Publisher INNSPUB Network
Abstract Caulerpa lentillifera has been the focus of research in recent years. However, its production is still insufficient and does not meet the demand which might be due to lack of additional information in its culture method. Therefore, this study was conducted to provide information to determine the effect of stocking densities on the growth, biomass and productivity of C. lentillifera and evaluate how the following environmental factors such as water temperature, salinity, water flow and nutrients would affect its growth, biomass and productivity in Casul Bay. Following the bottom culture method, a total of 144 plots were established in the sampling area. Each plot was planted with the amount of seed stock from 50 to 450 grams m-2, harvested after 7 days, weighed and the final weight was recorded. Some environmental factors such as water temperature, salinity, water flow and nutrients (phosphate and nitrate) were also noted. Results showed that the lowest stocking density (50 g m-2) produced the highest daily growth rate and productivity while the highest stocking density produced the highest biomass of C. lentillifera. Its growth rate, biomass and productivity showed a significant negative correlation with water temperature but a positive significant correlation with salinity. It was concluded that the best stocking density was 50 g m-2to yield the highest growth rate and productivity attained at lower water temperature and higher salinities.
Index terms / Keywords Stocking density, Casul Bay, green seaweed
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