
Warguez, Dennis A. » Research » Scholarly articles

Title Species richness and distribution of reptiles in the agricultural area and lower montane forest of Mount Kalatungan Range, Bukidnon, Mindanao (Philippines)
Authors DM Tariman, DA Warguez
Publication date 2009
Journal AGRIS: International Information System for Agricultural Science and Technology
Issue 7
Pages 109-118
Publisher Philippine Society for the Study of Nature
Abstract An inventory of the reptiles on Mt. Kalatungan Range in Pangatucan, Bukidnon, Philippines was conducted from May 16-31, 2005 using Visual Encounter Survey, Direct Observation and Ethnobiological Survey. Distribution in different habitat types (agricultural area, secondary and primary forests) and different elevations (1200-2200 meters) was also noted. A total of 16 species of reptiles, including eight species of lizards and eight species of snakes were recorded. Except for the monitor lizard and reticulated python, the observed species are new records for Mt. Kalatungan Range. Philippine endemics include ten (62%) species and forests dependent species include six species, namely; Sphenomorphus arborens, S. decipiens, S. diwata, S. mindanensis, Lycodon sp. and Psammodynastes pulverulentus. Total species count and endemicity were highest in the agricultural area (10 species, 7 endemics), followed by the secondary forest (8 species, 5 endemics). The primary forest had only six species and five endemics. Species listed in cites 2 are the monitor lizard, king cobra, and the reticulated python which were locally utilized as food and source of medicine. Other existing threat to the reptiles in the area was the conservation of forested area into agricultural land through kaingin
Index terms / Keywords Reptiles, species richness, montane forest, Mt. Kalatungan Range
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