Ompoc, Harlyn Mae S. » Research » Scholarly articles

Title The Influence Of Coaching Behaviour On The Competitive Anxiety And Burnout Among Athletes Of Region X
Authors Harlyn Mae Ompoc
Publication date June 2019
Journal Asian Journal of Physical Education and Computer Science
Volume 20
Issue 1
Pages 84-96
Publisher Indian Federation of Computer Science ins Sports
Abstract The purpose of this study is to determine the influence of the athletes’ perception on their coaches’ behavior to their level of competitive anxiety and burnout as well as the relationship of the identified moderating variables such as: athletes’ age, gender, type of sport, level of participation, length of playing experience, and their coaches’ age, gender, civil status and length of coaching experience relate to the three main variables. The study used Coaching Behavior Questionnaire (CBQ) developed by Scott B. Martin (2003) to measure coaching behavior, while the Sport Competitive Anxiety Test (SCAT) developed by Rainer Martens (1977) to evaluate the athletes’ sport competitive anxiety, and the Athlete Burnout Questionnaire (ABQ) modified by Raedeke and Smith (2008) to assess the athletes’ burnout. The respondents were the 158 college athletes and 15 coaches from the State Universities in Region X, Philippines. Furthermore, Chi-square and Pearson r were used in analyzing the data through the Statistical Package for Social Science v.20. The results then show no significant relationship between coaching behavior and the athletes’ competitive anxiety and burnout. However, a strong positive relationship is established between the athletes’ length of playing experience and coaching behavior; and between coaches’ age and length of coaching with coaching behavior. Also, a strong relationship is observed between the coaches’ civil status and the athletes’ level of burnout. The findings suggest that coaches undergo trainings and seminar-workshops on effective coaching to develop a more positive and efficient coaching behavior. Coaches may also help their athletes learn to recognize anxiety and develop anxiety management skills to cope with it during competition, thus avoiding the possibility of burnout and being able to improve performance and coach-athlete relationship. Keywords: Coaching, competitive anxiety, burnout, athletes
Index terms / Keywords Coaching Behavior, Competitive Anxiety, Burnout, Sports Performance
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