
Buan, Amelia T. » Research » Scholarly articles

Title Student-centered e learning course in Mathematics Utilizing an Open Source Learning Management System
Authors Jan Cleo D. Canoy,Amelia T. Buan,Myrna E. Lahoylahoy,Dante D. Dinawanao
Publication date 2016
Chapter of the book Learning Science and Mathematics Together in a Bordeless World Using Technology
Pages 13-29
Publisher RECSAM
Abstract The developed e-learning course was implemented on blended mode of instruction to the pre-service Mathematics students of the on the Teacher Education Institution in Mindanao. The course content was delivered through an open source learning management system. Backward curriculum design was utilized in developing the e-learning course, in which the researchers analyzed the learners, and operationalized the goals of the e-learning course in terms of assessment evidences and outcomes. To promote creativity and collaboration among students, constructivist approach was utilized in designing the activities wherein the students are actively engaged in creating the outputs. Varied type of assessments was embedded in the instructional activities such as online quizzes, rubrics, open-ended questionnaire, peer and self-assessment.
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