
Nu帽eza, Olga M. » Research » Scholarly articles

Title Species diversity, Distribution, and Microhabitats of Anurans on Mt. Kalo-Kalo of the Mt. Kalatungan Range Natural Park, Bukidnon, Philippines
Authors Von Carlo de la Torre and Olga M. Nu脙聝脗聝脙聜脗卤eza
Publication date March 2021
Journal Asian Herpetological Research
Volume 12
Issue 1
Pages 58-75
Publisher Science Press
Abstract Anuransareconsideredgoodindicatorsofhabitat quality due to their bi-phasic life mode, limited dispersal abilities, and sensitivity to environmental changes brought about by habitat fragmentation, pollution, climate change, and emerging infectious diseases. This study aimed to determine species diversity and local distribution of anurans in lower (1000脙垄脗聙脗聯1400 masl) and upper (1400脙垄脗聙脗聯1600 masl) montane forests on Mt. Kalo-Kalo of the Mt. Kalatungan Range Natural Park, Central Mindanao, Southern Philippines by employing standard sampling techniques for amphibians. We recorded a total of 251 individual anurans, representing 12 species during a brief recent study period. Mt. Kalo-Kalo脙垄脗聙脗聶s upper montane forest has a higher diversity index (H脙垄脗聙脗聶 =1.276) than the lower montane forest (H脙垄脗聙脗聶 = 0.851). Despite the very low diversity indices, the level of endemism of anurans was 100% where ten of the recorded species are Mindanao Faunal Region endemics and an additional two species are Philippine endemics. Ansonia muelleri exhibited the highest local abundance and individuals of this species which constituted 73% of individual anurans observed. Most of the species encountered prefer terrestrial and aquatic microhabitats, specifically on the rocks and bank substrates along the rivers and streams. Three species of anurans (Philautus acutirostris, P. poecilius, and Rhacophorus bimaculatus) were strictly found in arboreal microhabitats. Limnonectes magnus and A. muelleri have overlapping microhabitats. Results indicate that for such a short survey and modest sampling effort, the lower and upper montane forests of Mt. Kalo-Kalo support high endemism of anuran species suggesting that conservation efforts continue to be a priority in this unique protected area.
Index terms / Keywords conservation,endemic,indicatorspecies,montane forest, protected area
DOI 10.163.73/j.cnki.ahr
URL htt://www.ahr-journal.com
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