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Office of the Vice President for Academic Affairs Mindanao State University 3rd Draft, September 3, 2002 (For Approval of the President, MSUS) Foreword The Curriculum is the backbone of the technical, professional and graduate Programs of academic institutions. It may be viewed as a processing machine that determines the quantity and quality of the desired outputs. In the University setting, all activities undertaken in its operation may be directly or indirectly related to the curriculum. The Mindanao State University is comprised of eleven (11) degree granting Campuses: seven (7) autonomous, three (3) integrated CHED supervised institutions and one (1) external collegiate campus in Buug, Zamboanga del Sur. The recent policy of the ƵBoard of Regents to approve all curricula for system-wide application consequently authorized the University President to grant the authority to campuses to offer programs based on existing schemes and policies of the University. This policy will enhance the Universitys thrusts on academic performance and quality assurance. The Office of the Vice President for Academic Affairs, through the very efficient and dedicated effort of the members of the University System Curriculum Committee, has developed the herein Guidelines for the Revision and Development of Curricula and the Grant of Authority to Offer a Degree Program as a means to professionalize the University instructional system. A curriculum is dynamic and the offering of a degree program requires standard parameters, hence this Guideline Manual becomes very necessary. Campuses are encouraged to use these guidelines as extensively as possible. The hard work, time and expertise invested by the Curriculum Committee in this guideline are highly commendable. I am confident that this manual is a major step in our untiring efforts to promote and maintain quality education in the University. YUSOPH C. LATIP Vice President Members of the University System Curriculum Committee Who Facilitated in the Preparation of this Manual VP Yusoph C. Latip Vice President for Academic Affairs and Chairman, University System Curriculum Committee Dr. Jerson N. Orejudos Dr. Cynthia M. Filipinas Member Member Dr. Alma Berowa Dr. Azucena Ruiz Member Member Prof. Evelyn M. Jamboy Prof. Roberto Salarza Member Member Dr. Minang Sharief Dr. Carmelita Hanzel Member Member Dr. Nenita Reteracion Prof. Jaime Jimenez Member Member Prof. Elenita Gay Dr. Julita Bokingo Member Member Prof. Mary Hedoquio Dr. Jocelyn Gorospe Member Member Ex-Officio Members Vice Chancellors for Academic Affairs or their Counterparts in the Various Campuses of the ƵSystem Dr. Caharodin Cali Dr. Edgar W. Ignacio VCAA ƵMarawi VCAA ƵIIT Dr. Sergio Revuelta Prof. Felisa Halun VCAA ƵGen. Santos VCAA Tawi Tawi Prof. Luminog Nur Prof. Saharadil Magdar VCAA ƵMaguindanao VCAA Jolo Prof. Jaime Jimenez Dean ƵNaawan TABLE OF CONTENTS Forewordiii Members of the University System Curriculum Committee Who Facilitated in the Preparation of this Manual  ivA. Guidelines1Procedural Guidelines on the Approval and Implementation of the Curricular Revisions and New Programs in ƵCampuses 2Legal Bases for the Procedural Guidelines in the Revision and Offering of New Programs 2Revisions/Innovations3 Minor Revisions3 Major Revisions4 New Programs/Curricula4The Evaluation and Monitoring Process for New Academic Programs6B. Flow of Review11Flow of Curriculum Review12C. The OVPAA Curriculum Evaluation Checklist19 Checklist 1: Checklist for Minor Revisions20 Checklist 2: Checklist for Major Revisions22 Checklist 3: Checklist for New Programs24 Checklist 4: Checklist for Authority to Offer27D. Forms for Designing Curricular Revisions, New Curricula and Programs Requesting Authority to Offer 29 Instructions30 Form 1: Approval Sheet of Curriculum Committees37 Form 2: Campus Council Resolution38 Form 3: University Council Resolution39 Form 4: Rationale, Objectives, Strategies and Processes 40 Form 5A: Semestral Distribution without Corequisites 41 Form 5B: Semestral Distribution with Corequisites42 Form 6: Summary of Courses43 Form 7: Comparative Summary45 Form 8: Course Description47 Form 9: End-User Survey49 Form 10: Faculty Profile50 Form 11: List of School and College Administrators51 Form 12: List of Academic Non-Teaching Personnel52 Form 13:List of Library Holdings53 Form 14: List of Facilities, Equipment, Furniture and Other Materials Classified by Subject Area 54 Form 15: Feasibility Study55 Form 16: Format for Syllabus-Making (Sample Syllabus) 58 Evaluation and Monitoring Instrument for Programs Requesting Authority to Offer 65 Form 17A: Relevance of Program66 Form 17B1: Funding67 Form 17B2: Head of Program68 Form 17B3: Faculty69 Form 17B4: Instructional Standards70 Form 17B5: Library71 Form 17B6: Laboratory Facilities72 Form 17B7: Availability of Enough Students73 Form 17C: Evaluation Summary74 Form 18: Certification from Dean that Proposal is Edited 75E. Appendices76Appendix A.1 Proposed MSUS Minimum General Education Requirement for Baccalaureate Programs (As of 1999)77Appendix A.2 Proposed MSUS Minimum General Education Requirement for Technology Programs (As of 1999)78Appendix A.3 Proposed MSUS Minimum General Education Requirement for Baccalaureate and Technology/Diploma Programs at a Glance (As of 1999)79Appendix B. Service Courses81Appendix C. Course Code84Appendix D. Academic Development Plan86Appendix E: Implementation Scheme 88 A. GUIDELINES Procedural Guidelines on the Approval and Implementation of the Curricular Revisions and New Programs in ƵCampuses Statement of Purpose: The herein guidelines shall be the bases for the review, approval and implementation of curricular revisions/innovations and offering of new programs in various campuses of the Mindanao State University System (MSUS). The campus curriculum committees of the ƵCampuses shall be enjoined to use the proposed guidelines as bases of actions in curricular adjustments, updates and offering of new programs. This will ensure the application of uniform standards, processes and procedures that shall guarantee relevance, excellence and cost effective higher education programs to the clienteles of MSUS. The procedural guidelines shall likewise enhance the efficient and effective implementation of duly authorized curricular revisions/innovations and new programs. Legal Bases for the Procedural Guidelines in the Revision and Offering of New Programs: The following materials are the legal bases for the required documents and prescribed procedural steps in revising and implementation/offering of new programs in Ƶcampuses: The ƵUniversity Charter which underscores that one of the primary objectives of the University is to promote and accelerate the economic, political and socio-cultural deve-lopment of Mindanao, thereby promoting peace and development. Ƶis then mandated to offer quality relevant academic programs. The BOR minutes during the Boards meeting last March 15, 2002 requiring campus comprehensive study plans, feasibility study and realistic budgetary cost as to how much a certain program will actually cost the University, strong justification on how a certain program can affect the peace development efforts of the University, and some others herein required in the guidelines for curricular revisions and implementation of new programs. The CHED guideline which suggests that State Universities need to submit to their BOR necessary documents for appropriate review of curricula. Documents to be submitted include the feasibility studies, resolutions of approving committees/councils, end-user surveys for major revisions, rationales/justifications, objectives, strategies, implemen-tation scheme, the curriculum with appropriate components, the faculty/administrative profiles, facilities, equipment and library holdings. The BOR Resolution No. 62 S. 1999 which states that approved curricula shall be for system-wide implementation. However, the offering of the new curricular degree program by any campus shall be subject to the final authority of the University President, the criteria of which must include the following, but not limited to, the relevance of the Program to the mandated thrust and area of specialization, capability of the campus to offer the program, and assurance for continued enrolment of minimum number of qualified students for at least five years. Revisions/Innovations Minor Revisions In presenting minor revisions (deletion of courses and replacement of new courses with no added competencies nor additional units, except in cases where additional courses are prescribed by CHED, PRC or Republic Acts), the proponent unit should be able to strongly explain and justify the purpose. The following documents and standard processes shall be included in the proposal folder: Various Resolutions Resolution of the Campus Council recommending the approval of the proposed revision duly certified by the Campus Council Secretary and attested by the Chancellor or its counterpart in the campus. Resolution of the University System Council recommending approval of the proposed revision duly certified by the University/BOR Secretary and attested by the President. Approval sheet duly signed by the chairs and members of the various reviewing Committees. (Department, College, Campus Curriculum Committee, University System Curriculum Committee, etc.) The rationale of the revision, objectives and strategies and processes pursued in the revision. The rationale should restate the focus of priority and relate it to the needs of Mindanao particularly on peace and development. The objectives should state the competencies of graduates to be developed in the proposed program. The proponent must relay the strategies/processes pursued in the revision including the involvement of the important constituents of the College. The proposed implementation scheme prepared by the Proponent College in coordination with OVCAA and the Campus Curriculum Committee. A copy of the comprehensive study of the proponent campus which covers what programs are to be continuously offered, what are to be phased out, and what will be offered in the future. All programs to be continuously offered should be strongly justified or should show proof of marketability and sustainability in terms of demands for the graduates of the said program. (To be certified by the Dean and Vice Chancellor/Chancellor of the proponent campus.) The proposed curriculum which should essentially follow and respect national policies and standards (e.g., CHED, PRC and R.A.s) required for a particular proposed program/degree. The proposed revised curriculum/program and necessary attachments following the prescribed formats of the MSUS system. (See attached guides/forms) A budget plan showing how much the revision will cost. If the revision will not entail additional cost to the University, then, this has to be declared in the proposal. A written certification from the Dean that the proposal is properly edited. Submit the proposal in both hard file and diskette file. Copy of the national standards/policies/guidelines or directives used as basis in the revision. Major Revisions The guidelines for minor revisions shall likewise apply for major revisions which entail additional subjects, units or inclusion of new subjects that need additional competencies, equipment or laboratory facilities. Exceptions are the cases when courses are prescribed by CHED, PRC or R.A.s based on national exigency. In addition, the following requirements shall also be submitted: An end-user survey shall be prepared/undertaken by the Proponent Department/College/Campus. The rationale should relate to the principle focusing on the priority needs of Mindanao. The proposed revision and program should be supportive of peace and development. A budget plan showing how much the revision will cost. The proponent Dean, Vice Chancellor and Chancellor or his counterpart, should approve/certify the budget plan. 2.0 New Programs/Curricula The same Guidelines for major and minor revisions shall apply in considering the approval of new programs. In addition, the following requirements shall be submitted for deliberation: 2.1 The mandated thrust/specialization of the campus. 2.2 Proposed Curriculum must be in accordance with the policies and standards required for the proposed program/degree. 2.3 Feasibility Study must be based on the assessment of community needs and viability of the program in terms of the following aspects: % Marketing Aspects % Technical Aspects % Management Aspects % Financial Aspects % Social Desirability of the Program 2.4 Faculty profile for the program applied must show: % educational qualifications % area of specialization % subject assignments in accordance with qualifications % employment status (ratio of full time, part time) % teaching experience and TER for the last two years 2.5 List of school administrators (President, Vice President, Department Heads and Proponent College Administrators) stating educational qualifications, administrative experiences, status (full-time or part-time) and some others. 2.6 List of academic non-teaching personnel (Registrar, Librarian, Guidance Counselor, College Non-Teaching Personnel) considering work experience and employment status. 2.7 List of physical facilities and equipment that is available and needed in the proposed program. (Site of building, Classroom, Laboratory, Library, Medical and Dental Health facilities, etc.) to be certified by the Dean. 2.8 List of library holdings (to be certified by the Dean/Head) % at least 3,000 non-fiction accession titles in the library % at least 300 professional titles for each program offering. 2.9 List of laboratory facilities, equipment, furniture, supplies and materials classified by subject area. (To be certified by the Dean/Head) 2.10 Syllabi for all courses. The BOR Resolution approving the program shall be submitted to the MSUS OVPAA Office for actual validation and inspection and release of Authority to Offer by the President. (BOR Res. No. 62, s. 1999) Note: The herein guideline is subject to updating based on whatever new requirements the BOR would require. The Evaluation and Monitoring Process for New Academic Programs Background There were some programs in the past that were implemented for years without satisfactorily meeting the minimum requirements required of in the policies and standards of a given program. Worst was that some programs were offered in the campuses even if they are outside the thrust of the said campus. This resulted to unnecessary proliferation and duplication of courses. It is already high time that the University System must improve its regulation procedure to effectively provide quality education and avoid unnecessarily wasting of resources. An independent body is needed to conduct an evaluation and monitor the offering of programs. The evaluation process must include, among others, actual validation and verification of documents, facilities, faculty line up, funding and availability of students in the next five years before the opening of an academic program. The Evaluation Process Purpose The result of the evaluation will be one of the bases for the issuance of the authority to offer the program by the MSUS President. The process helps in the improvement of the program. Minimum requirements not satisfactorily met including other weaknesses can be identified. The weaknesses can then become the foundation for planning and basis of decision of key officials as to how much support should really go to this new program. Application The request of authority to offer the program and submission of all documents, as stipulated in Checklist 4 (Checklist for Authority to Offer), to the Office of the President at least three months before the semester by which the program is to start. The request, including all related documents, then shall be forwarded to the Office of the Vice President for Academic Affairs for appropriate action. OVPAA Action A. Organization of the Team of Evaluators Five (5) Evaluators will be assigned to evaluate the Campus with the VPAA or his representative (VP, AVP or Special Assistants). The evaluators are to be taken from the University System Curriculum Committee with preference to those whose fields are relevant to the program being evaluated. B. The Rating System (Preparedness of the Program) The evaluation tool being prepared includes only the minimum requirements needed by most academic programs before it can be offered to the public. Other specific requirements inherent of a specific program can be added. Ideally, the minimum requirements should have met before the opening of the program. However, in cases of very strong demand/necessity to offer the program, a unit getting an evaluation rating not lower than 50% can still be allowed to offer the new program subject to immediate compliance of the recommendation of the committee. C. Funding Requirements of the Visit The requesting campus shall also be notified of the cost of the visit (fare, accommodation, snacks and meals, per diem of the visiting team, etc.) shall be shouldered by the inviting campus. The Requesting Unit The Requesting Unit must arrange for the accommodation of the team members during the period of the visit. They must also prepare the files of documents needed by the team. One senior faculty of the department offering the new program shall be assigned to assist the team. The Visiting Team Verification of the report I. Introduction to be prepared by the team leader Background Information name of the requesting campus, the program to be offered, the offering college, BOR resolution number approving the program in principle, thrust/specialization of the requesting campus. Description of the Evaluation Activities from Arrival to Departure courtesy call to the Chancellor, visit to the offering college, review of documents, interview of the Dean/Chair, verification of facilities, faculty line up, equipment, syllabi and some others. Composition of the Team of Evaluators and their respective assigned components to be assessed. Name of the Dean/Chair to man the proposed program to be offered. II. Findings and Recommendations to be prepared by the team members and by the team leader. Each team member is to write the strength and weaknesses of the area assigned including the specific recommendations. Relevance of thrust and area of specialization Funding Dean Faculty Curriculum Instructional Standards Library Facilities and Equipment Availability of Students III. Overall Team Recommendation (Please refer to Form 17) IV. Attachments The completed Evaluation Instruments/Guide with ratings Photocopies of the documents The Action of the OVPAA Officials and University System Curriculum Committee en banc The University Curriculum Committee shall deliberate the teams report and approve the recommendation of the team. The VPAA recommends to the President the official report with every member signing the recommendation. Recommendations may be in any of the following categories: a. Outstanding (91% - 100%) Recommended for the issuance of Authority to Offer or continue to offer the program with a revisit after 4 years. b. Very Satisfactory (81% - 90%) Recommended for the issuance of Authority to Offer; but for a revisit after 2 years. c. Satisfactory (66% - 80%) Recommended for the issuance of Authority to Offer; but for a revisit after one year. c. Fair (51% - 65%) Recommended for the issuance of Authority to Offer; but for a revisit after one semester. d. Poor (below 50%) Non-issuance of Authority to Offer. Refer to OVPAA supervisory guidance (findings and recommendations of the team of evaluators) for improvement. Presidents Action The recommendation of the OVPAA shall be the basis for the issuance of an Authority to Offer the Program by the President. The Monitoring Process When the Program will be on its second year (for Graduate/Technology Program) or on its third year (for BS Program), the team may revisit the offering unit. Purpose of Monitoring Process: To check on the compliance of the recommendations given during the first visit; To ensure the continuing development of the program; and To ensure the viability of the program. The Monitoring Process OVPAA Action The OVPAA shall notify the campus to submit a status report in duplicate as to the compliance of the recommendations given by the Evaluating Team during its first visit. The report shall be relayed to the University System Curriculum Committee (USCC) en banc. The committee shall decide whether a revisit is necessary to validate the report. Should the USCC recommends the need for a revisit, the following actions shall be done: OVPAA notifies the concerned campus of the need for a monitoring visit. The campus shall also be informed that they will have to shoulder the expenses of the visit (fare, snacks, lunch, per diem and accommodation) The concerned campus has to confirm the date of the visit. OVPAA organizes the visiting team composed of 3 members (one team leader and 2 members). The team shall be provided with status report to the unit. Steps in the Team Visit Study the status report. The team is divided and assigned areas to be assessed. Courtesy call to the Chancellor. Meeting with the Dean, Chair, Faculty Members. Do ocular verification (to see if the recommendations were complied). Prepare the final report. Preparation of the Final Report Format: Introduction to be prepared by the team leader Background Information Name of the campus revisited, the program surveyed, the offering College, date of the first visit, and date of issuance of the authority from the President. Description of the Monitoring Activities from Arrival to Departure Courtesy call, visit to the college, interview with the college officials and faculty members, verification of the status of the compliance, courtesy call for departure. Composition of the monitoring team specifying the assigned areas Findings and Recommendations the recommendations previously given by the visiting team should be stated (by areas) and the percentage of compliance done by the unit. Further recommendations deemed necessary shall be stipulated. Overall recommendation of the team If the program has no improvements, or has no market meaning with very few student enrollees, then the freezing of the program can probably be recommended. Action of the OVPAA Officials and USCC en banc The USCC shall deliberate the teams report and approve or disapprove the recommendation of the team. The VPAA sends recommendation to the President with all USCC members signing the recommendation. B. FLOW OF REVIEW Flow of Curriculum Review Department Curriculum Committee 1 College Curriculum Committee 2Campus Curriculum Committee 3  Campus Council 5  University System Curriculum Committee 6  University System Council 7  BOR 8 Procedure on Review of Proposed Revisions of a Curriculum To facilitate an efficient review of proposed revisions of a curriculum, the following steps are put forward to guide the process: 1. The proposed revisions of a curriculum are deliberated at the Department and College levels. % The Proponent Department furnishes the draft of the proposed revised curriculum to the College Curriculum Committee. At least one member of this committee is a Campus Curriculum Committee member who shall be designated as the Proponent College Representative. Note that at this stage, no copies will be given to other members of the Campus Curriculum Committee. % The College Curriculum Committee Members, vis--vis the Proponent College Representative(s), review the curriculum in aspects related to formatting, grammar, content, and the like. This guideline may serve as an indispensable reference during this preliminary review. % Corrections and comments are marked on the draft. This is returned to the Proponent Department which then applies the appropriate corrections. The corrected draft is resubmitted to the College Curriculum Committee, vis--vis the Proponent College Representative(s), for further evaluation and approval. % In the case of a revision done for a program offered by another campus or campuses, proper consultations and deliberations of the revision must be conducted by key representatives from all the concerned campuses. The representatives shall be composed of the Chairperson of the Department, Chairperson of the College Curriculum Committee, Dean of the College and Chairperson of the Campus Curriculum Committee. Signatures of these key officials for each of the campuses concerned must be affixed on Form 1 (Approval Sheet of Curriculum Committees). For a campus that is unable to attend such a consultation, but is invited by the proponent campus beforehand, a waiver to this effect must be secured respecting the decision of participating campus or campuses on the revision. 2. With all the salient features of the revision applied, and differences concerning the revision within the Department, College levels and/or campuses resolved, and in the absence of major corrections, the Approval Sheet of Curriculum Committees (Form 1) is signed by members of the College Curriculum Committee. Date of approval must be indicated on the form. The same form is attached to the corrected draft. 3. The draft is distributed to each member of the Campus Curriculum Committee, with each folder bearing the members name written on the lower right hand corner. The significance of the members name is highlighted in step 6. Distribution of this draft to all members of the Campus Curriculum Committee must be done at least one week prior to an evaluation meeting called upon to discuss proposed curricular revisions. 4. Corrections and comments made by each member are marked in the draft during the one week review period and, simultaneously with other members of the committee, during the evaluation meeting. The proponents must be present during this meeting to take note of the corrections and comments, as well as answer clarifications raised by the Committee. Evaluation will be given greater emphasis on the substance of the revision, although further reviews may still have to be tackled on aspects (e.g., formatting style, document submittals, grammar, etc.) which may have been missed out during the preliminary review. 5. All folders are returned to the proponent. 6. Corrections are applied by the proponent and the corrected draft is produced and resubmitted to all members of the Campus Curriculum Committee. The folder in which corrections are marked by individual members must likewise be returned to the same. This is the reason why each folder must bear the members name. 7. The members check whether the corrections and comments are applied. In the absence of major corrections, the members sign the Approval Sheet of Curriculum Committees (Form 1). Date of approval must be indicated on the form. 8. Fifteen (15) copies of the draft are endorsed to the Campus Academic Planning Committee (APC) for further evaluation and approval. Presence of the proponent during this evaluation is necessary. 9. Should there be major corrections at the Campus APC level, said corrections will be applied by the proponent and the corrected draft is resubmitted to the Campus APC for further evaluation and approval. 10. In the absence of major corrections, the Campus APC approves the revision. Date of approval must be indicated on Form 1 (Approval Sheet of Curriculum Committees). 11. The draft is submitted to the Campus Council for further evaluation and approval. Presence of the proponent during this evaluation is necessary. 12. Should there be major corrections at the Campus Council level, said corrections will have to be applied by the proponent and the corrected draft is resubmitted to the Campus APC for further evaluation and approval. 13. In the absence of major corrections, the revision is approved by the Campus Council. Form 2 (Campus Council Resolution) must be secured to this effect. Date of approval must be indicated on Form 1 (Approval Sheet of Curriculum Committees). 14. The draft is submitted to the MSU-System Curriculum Committee on or before September 30 for further evaluation and approval. Presence of the proponent during this evaluation is necessary. Submittals after September 30 will be collected but will not be guaranteed for discussion and submission to the next University Council Meeting. 15. Should there be major corrections at this level, said corrections will have to be applied by the proponent and the corrected draft is resubmitted to the ƵSystem Curriculum Committee for further evaluation and approval. 16. In the absence of major corrections, the revision is approved by the ƵSystem Curriculum Committee (Form 1 - Approval Sheet of Curriculum Committees). Date of approval must be indicated on the form. 17. Fifteen copies of the draft are endorsed to the University Council for further evaluation and approval. Sixty (60) copies of Approval Sheet of Curriculum Committees (Form 1) and Form 5A/5B (Semestral Distribution with/without Corequisites) must be distributed during the University Council Meeting. Presence of the proponent during this evaluation is necessary. 18. Should there be major corrections at this level, said corrections will have to be applied by the proponent and the corrected draft is resubmitted to the ƵSystem Curriculum Committee for further evaluation and approval. 19. In the absence of major corrections, the University Council approves the curriculum. Form 3 (University Council Resolution) must be secured to this effect. Date of approval must be indicated on Form 1 (Approval Sheet of Curriculum Committees). 20. Two weeks prior to a scheduled BOR meeting, an electronic copy of the proposed revised curriculum must be submitted to the Office of the Vice-President for Academic Affairs (OVPAA). This may be stored in floppy disks or compact disks. In addition, thirty (30) print-out copies of the proposed revised curriculum must be submitted to the Board of Regents for final approval. 21. Should there be major corrections at the BOR meeting, said corrections will have to be applied by the proponent and the corrected draft is resubmitted to the ƵSystem Curriculum Committee for further evaluation and approval. 22. In the absence of major corrections, the Board of Regents approves the proposed revised curriculum. Date of approval must be indicated on Form 1 (Approval Sheet of Curriculum Committees). 23. The proposed revised curriculum is implemented. CURRICULAR REVISION FLOWCHART                                                                                C. THE OVPAA CURRICULUM EVALUATION CHECKLIST CHECKLIST 1: CHECKLIST FOR MINOR REVISIONS OVPAA Curriculum Evaluation Checklist of Documents for Curriculum Review (Minor Revisions) Proponent Campus: _________________ Tel. No. College: _________________ Fax No. Date Proposal Received: Course/Program Proposed for Revision: Campus Offering Similar Program: DocumentsYesNoRemarks1. Administrative Papers 1.1 Letter from the Chancellor or his counterpart requesting approval 1.2 Date of Campus APC Approval 1.3 Resolution from the Campus Council recommending approval of the proposed revision duly certified by the campus council secretary and attested by the Chancellor or his counterpart. (Form 2 - Campus Council Resolution) 1.4 Resolution of the University System Council recommending approval of the proposed revisions duly certified by the University/BOR Secretary and attested by the President. (Form 3 - University Council Resolution)2. Approval sheet duly signed by the Chairs and members of the various reviewing committee. (Form 1 - Approval Sheet of Curriculum Committees) 2.1 Department Curriculum Committee. 2.2 College Curriculum Committee 2.3 Campus Offering the Same Program 2.4 Campus Curriculum Committee 2.5 University System Curriculum Committee.3. Rationale, Objectives, Strategies and Processes (Form 4)  3.1 Rationale (the proposed program and its revision must be related to the needs of Mindanao particularly on peace and development. Other rationale may include national and global impact. Rationale must also include the effects of the revision on the quality of graduates. Other important rationale can be mentioned here too.) 3.2 Objectives of the program. (Competencies to be developed in the graduates) 3.3 Strategies and Processes Pursued in the Revision.4. Semestral Distribution of Courses (The Curriculum Proper). The Curriculum should follow national standards. (Form 5A/5B)5. Summary of Courses and Units (Form 6)6. Comparative Summary of Courses (Form 7)7. Course Description (Form 8)8. Proposed Implementation Scheme9. Copy of a comprehensive study on what is to be phased out, and what is to be offered in the future. Those programs to be revised should state proof that their graduates are still in demand and marketable preferably with statistics or data to support.10. A budget plan showing how much the revision will cost the University. If no expense, then this has to be declared in proposal.11. A certification from the Dean that the proposal is properly edited. (Form 18)12. Copy of the recent national standards and policies/directives used by the College as guide or basis in the revision. (This is one document to be used also by reviewing and approving committee as guide in the approval of the submitted proposal) 13. A diskette of the entire proposal already corrected and edited. Checked and Evaluated by: Date of Evaluation: CHECKLIST 2: CHECKLIST FOR MAJOR REVISIONS OVPAA Curriculum Evaluation Checklist of Documents for Curriculum Review (Major Revisions) Proponent Campus: Tel. No.___________ College: _____________________________ Fax No.___________ Date Proposal Received: ______________________________________________________ Course/Program Proposed for Revision __________________________________________ Campuses Offering Similar Program: ____________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________ DocumentsYesNoRemarks1. Administrative Papers  1.1 Letter from the Chancellor or his counterpart requesting approval. 1.2 Date of Campus APC Approval 1.3 Resolution from the Campus Council recommending approval of the proposed revision duly certified by the campus council secretary and attested by the Chancellor or his counterpart. (Form 2 - Campus Council Resolution) 1.4 Resolution of the University System Council recommending approval of the proposed revisions duly certified by the University/BOR Secretary and attested by the President. (Form 3- University Council Resolution)2. Approval sheet duly signed by the Chairs and members of the various reviewing committees. (Form 1- Approval Sheet of Curriculum Committees) 2.1 Department Curriculum Committee. 2.2 College Curriculum Committee 2.3 Campus Offering the Same Program 2.4 Campus Curriculum Committee 2.5 University System Curriculum Committee.3.Rationale, Objectives, Strategies and Processes (Form 4) 3.1 Rationale (the proposed program and its revision must be related to the needs of Mindanao particularly in peace and development. Other rationale may include national and global impact. Rationale must include also the effects of the revision on the quality of the graduates. Other important rationale can be mentioned here too. )  3.2 Objectives of the Program. (Competencies to be developed in the graduates) 3.3 Strategies and Processes Pursued in the Revision.4. Semestral Distribution of Courses (The curriculum proper) Form 5A/5B. The curriculum should follow national standards.5. Summary of Courses and Units (Form 6)6. Comparative Summary of Courses (Form 7)7. Course Description (Form 8)8. End-User Survey (Form 9)9. Proposed Implementation Scheme10. Copy of a comprehensive study on what is to be continuously offered, what is to be phased out, and what is to be offered in the future. Those programs to be revised should state proof that their graduates are still in demand and marketable preferably with statistics or data to support.11. A budget plan showing how much the revision will cost the University. If no expense, then this has to be declared in proposal.12. A certification from the Dean that the proposal is properly edited. (Form 18)13. Copy of the recent national standards and policies/directives used by the College as guide or basis in the revision. (This is one document to be used also by the reviewing and approving committee as guide in the approval of the submitted proposal) 14. A diskette of the entire proposal already corrected and edited. Checked and Evaluated by: Date of Evaluation: CHECKLIST 3: CHECKLIST FOR NEW PROGRAMS OVPAA Curriculum Evaluation Checklist of Documents for Curriculum Review (New Programs) Proponent Campus: Tel. No. ___________ College: _____________________________ Fax No.___________ Date Proposal Received: _____________________________ _______________________ Course/Program Proposed for Revision __________________ ________________________ Campuses Offering Similar Program: DocumentsYesNoRemarks1. Administrative Papers  1.1 Letter from the Chancellor or his counterpart requesting approval. 1.2 Date of Campus APC Approval 1.3 Resolution from the Campus Council recommending approval of the proposed revision duly certified by the campus council secretary and attested by the Chancellor or his counterpart. (Form 2 - Campus Council Resolution) 1.4 Resolution of the University System Council recommending approval of the proposed new curriculum duly certified by the University/BOR Secretary and attested by the President. (Form 3 - University Council Resolution)2. Approval sheet duly signed by the Chairs and members of the various reviewing committee. (Form 1) 2.1 Department Curriculum Committee. 2.2 College Curriculum Committee 2.3 Campus Offering the Same Program 2.4 Campus Curriculum Committee 2.5 University System Curriculum Committee.3. Rationale, Objectives, Strategies and Processes (Form 4) 3.1 Rationale (the proposed program must be related to the needs of Mindanao particularly on peace and development. Other rationale may include national and global impact. Rationale must include also the effects of offering the program to the quality of the graduates. Other important rationale can be mentioned here too. )  3.2 Objectives of the program. (Competencies to be developed in the graduates) 3.3 Strategies and processes pursued in the revision.4. Semestral Distribution of Courses (The curriculum proper) Form 5A/5B. The curriculum should follow national standards.5. Summary of Courses and Units (Form 6)6. Comparative Summary of Courses (Form 7)7. Course Description (Form 8)8. Faculty Profile using the Prescribed Form (Form 10)9. List of School and College Administrators using the Prescribed Form (Form 11)10. List of Academic Non-Teaching Personnel (Form 12)11. List of Library Holdings (Form 13)12. List of Physical, Laboratory Facilities, Equipment and Supplies Needed Indicating What is Available and What is Not. (Form 14)13. Feasibility Study- based on the assessment of community needs and viability of the program in terms of the demand for the graduates, prospective students, existing schools offering the same course in the city/province/Mindanao. (Give strong justification that the program is not duplicating programs offered by other Universities in Mindanao, availability of equipment and other resources needed by the program. (Form 15)14. Syllabi for all major courses. (Form 16)15. Proposed Implementation Scheme16. Copy of a campus comprehensive study on what is to be continuously offered, what is to be phased out, and what is to be offered in the future. Those programs to be revised should state proof that their graduates are still in demand and marketable preferably with statistics or data to support.17. A budget plan showing how much the revision will cost the University. If no expense, then this has to be declared in the proposal. This must be certified by the VCAA.18. A certification from the Dean that the proposal is properly edited. (Form 18)19. Copy of the recent national standards and policies/directives/other documents (curriculum) used by the college as guide or basis in the framing of the new program. (This is one document to be used also by the reviewing and approving committee as guide in the approval of the submitted proposal)20. A Diskette already corrected and edited. (Entire proposal)  Checked and Evaluated by: Date of Evaluation: CHECKLIST 4: CHECKLIST FOR AUTHORITY TO OFFER OVPAA Curriculum Evaluation Checklist of Documents for Curriculum Review (Request for Authority to Offer ) Proponent Campus: Tel. No. ___________ College: _____________________________ Fax No.___________ Date Request Received: _________________________________________________________ New Course/Program Requested to be Offered ________________________________________ Campuses Offering Similar Program: DocumentsYesNoRemarks1. Administrative Papers  1.1 Letter from the Chancellor or his counterpart requesting authority to offer. 1.2 Date of Campus APC Approval 1.3 Resolution from the Campus Council recommending approval of the offering of the program duly certified by the Campus Council Secretary and attested by the Chancellor or his counterpart. (Form 2 - Campus Council Resolution) 1.4 Mission/Goals/Objectives and Mandated Thrust and Area of Specialization of the Campus2. Approval sheet duly signed by the Chairs and members of the various reviewing committees. (Form 1 - Approval Sheet of Curriculum Committees) 2.1 Department Curriculum Committee. 2.2 College Curriculum Committee 2.3 Campus Offering the Same Program 2.4 Campus Curriculum Committee 2.5 University System Curriculum Committee.3. Rationale, Objectives, Strategies and Processes (Form 4) 3.1 Rationale (the proposed program must be related to the needs of Mindanao particularly on peace and development. Other rationale may include national and global impact. Rationale must include also the effects of offering the program to the quality of the graduates. Other important rationale can be mentioned here too. )  3.2 Objectives of the program. (Competencies to be developed in the graduates of the program.) 3.3 Strategies and processes pursued in the revision.4. Semestral Distribution of courses (The curriculum proper) Form 5A/5B. The curriculum should follow national standards.5. Summary of Courses and Units (Form 6)6. Comparative Summary of Courses (Form 7)7. Course Description (Form 8)14. Faculty Profile using the Prescribed Form (Form 10)15. List of School and College Administrators using the Prescribed Form (Form 11)11. List of Academic Non-Teaching Personnel (Form 12)13. List of Library Holdings (Form 13)12. List of Physical, Laboratory Facilities, Equipment and Supplies Needed Indicating What is Available and What is Not. (Form 14)13. Feasibility Study- based on the assessment of community needs and viability of the program in terms of the demand for the graduates, prospective students, existing schools offering the same course in the city/province/Mindanao. (Give strong justification that the program is not duplicating programs offered by other Universities in Mindanao, availability of equipment and other resources needed by the program. (Form 15)9. Syllabi of the major courses (Form 16)14. Self-Evaluation Survey Report with Identified Strengths, Areas Needing Improvement and Recommendations (Form 17) Checked and Evaluated by: Date of Evaluation: D. Forms for Designing Curricular Revisions, New Curricula and Programs Requesting Authority to Offer Note: To facilitate appropriate formatting of the required forms, diskettes of these forms can be borrowed from the Chair of every Campus Curriculum Committee. The proponents will then just have to enter the required contents of the proposals. IA. General Instructions*: % Use long-sized (8 ( 13 ) white bond paper. % Use 1 for top margin and 1 for left, right and bottom margins. % All related documents must be fastened to a folder on the center top margin. % The folder cover must contain in toto the words under  Proposal: of Form 4 (Rationale, Objectives, Strategies and Processes). Allow these words to occupy the entirety of the cover. This may be printed by hand or through mechanical/electronic printout. No specific formatting style is set for the cover. % The documents must be started with a Table of Contents. % Each page must be numbered in Arabic at the bottom center margin. % The page containing the Table of Contents need not have a page number. % The first page starts at Form 1. These are in Arabic numbers, i.e., 1, 2, 3, etc. % All characters must be in 12-point Times New Romans font or other equivalent font; otherwise, an alternative font, size or attribute (bold, italic, etc.) will be clearly stated. % All headers stipulating the form number and title (e.g., FORM 1: APPROVAL SHEET OF CURRICULUM COMMITTEES) that are found on the upper left hand margin do not appear in the final documents. These are shown for nomenclature purposes only. % All documents must be in portrait mode; combination of portrait and landscape modes is discouraged. % A table running through another page(s) must have its row headings appear on the page(s). IB. Instructions on Form 1 (Approval Sheet of Curriculum Committees) % Form 1 is the first document in this set. Members of the Department Curriculum Committee, key officials of campus offering similar programs, College Curriculum Committee, Campus Curriculum Committee and MSU-System Curriculum Committee affix their signatures in this form once the revision has been fully reviewed and approved at each Committee s level. % This form is used when the proponent campus is the only campus offering the program, or when there are at least two campuses offering the same program. * Instructions in these forms are lifted from the MSU-IIT Guidelines for Curricular Revision [Dr. Jerson N. Orejudos (Chair), Dr. Patria Rosales Apao, Prof. Joel A. Barrera, Dr. Nimfa L. Bracamonte, Prof. Carlos R. Buenavista, Prof. Manuel C. Cabido, Prof. Evelyn M. Jamboy, Prof. Jessica dlC La Via, Dr. Emma B. Magracia, Dr. Emma A. Nieva, Prof. Esmar N. Sedurifa, Prof. Gileo C. Sulla and Prof. Metodia M. Trinidad] II. Instructions on Form 4 (Rationale, Objectives, Strategies and Processes): A. College, Department, Branch/Unit and Proposal: % The fields  College, Department, Branch/Unit and Proposal must be in bold attributes. % Acronyms of the program and its option(s) must be clearly stated and must be case sensitive. Examples are shown as follows: a. For a program: i. BSME all in capital letters ii. BSIEd with a small last letter d iii. DChET with a small letter h b. For an option: i. DT all in capital letters ii. (other options that may have combination of upper or lower cased letters) % The blank space for the proposal may be filled up as follows: a. For programs without an option, say: Revision of the Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering (BSCE) b. For programs with one option, say: Revision of the Bachelor of Science in Industrial Education (BSIEd) with option in Drafting Technology (DT) . c. For programs with multiple options, say: Revision of the Diploma in Electrical Engineering Technology (DEET) with options in: . a. Electrical Machinery (EM) . b. Electrical Power Production and Distribution (EPD) . % Non-degree terminal programs may be named as follows: a. For pre-baccalaureate, two- or three-year technology programs start the name with: Diploma in.. b. For post-baccalaureate programs, start the name with: Graduate Diploma in. B. Rationale: The following points must be considered in formulating the rationale: % impact of the revision to the local, national and global communities % relevance of the revision to the thrust of the Institute/University and national goals and policies % effects of the revision on the quality of the graduates % economic, social, cultural, moral and other factors influencing the revision If possible, use present form in all sentence construction. Avoid using an exclusive he or she pronoun. If this cannot be avoided, use the dual form  he/she . C. Objectives: % This section starts with a preliminary statement followed by an enumeration of objectives each starting with the infinitive form of the verb. % Except for the last two objectives, which are terminated by the word  and and the punctuation  . , respectively, all other objectives are terminated with a semi-colon. % Indent the numbered objectives beyond the indentation of the preliminary statement (see sample next page). % First letter in the continuing line within an objective must be flush with the first letter in the previous line. % The objectives must reflect the competencies to be developed among the graduates. These should encompass expectations covering psychomotor (skills), affective (emotional) and cognitive (perception, memory, judgment, reasoning) processes. % This section, if so requires, may be divided into two sub-sections, namely (a) General Objective and (b) Specific Objectives. The same format as illustrated above may be used. D. Other Components: % Admission requirements must be included in this section. % Other components enumerated in Form 4 are optional. % Components not enumerated in Form 4 may be added, if necessary. E. Strategies and Processes Involved in the Revision. F. Implementation Scheme of the Proposed Revised Curricula (See Appendix E) III. Instructions on Form 5A (Semestral Distribution without Corequisites) and Form 5B (Semestral Distribution with Corequisites): % The first page of this section starts with the name of the program in upper case and bold attributes. The acronym for the program and the option, if any, must be clearly stated. Examples are as follows: a. Program without an option: BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN CIVIL ENGINEERING (BSCE) b. Program with an option: MASTER OF SCIENCE IN CIVIL ENGINEERING (MSCE) WITH OPTION IN STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING (ST) % For programs with two or more options, provide a separate form 5A/5B for each option. % The next line contains the words  (LIST OF COURSES BY SEMESTER) . This has the same font and attributes as in the first line. % This is followed by a line containing  BOR Resolution Number _____, Series of (Year) which shows the BOR number and the year in which the proposed revised curriculum is expected to be approved by the MSU Board of Regents. The same font as in previous line with small and upper-cased letters are used. % Each table, covering one full semester, must be accommodated within a page; no single table must go beyond a page. % Course numbering and title of service courses must be identical with those in Appendix B: Service Courses. Particular emphasis is given on the case sensitivity of course numbers and titles and the latter s rarity in the use of abbreviations. % Course numbers are assigned as follows: a. 1 - 199 for Diploma and Baccalaureate Programs; c. 200 - 399 for Post Baccalaureate (Graduate Diploma) and Masteral Programs; and d. 400 - 599 for Post Masteral (Graduate Diploma) and Doctoral Programs. % For courses with laboratories, it is suggested that the numerical extension, i.e., the number after the point/period, signifies the number of laboratory units, e.g., Phy 41.1 has 1 laboratory unit, Chem 16.2 has 2 laboratory units, etc. A course without the numerical extension signifies that it is a non-laboratory course. % Column for the prerequisite(s)/corequisite(s) must be filled up either by one or more courses, each separated by a comma, or the word  None , if no prerequisite/corequisite is required. % In case there are a number of corequisites in the curriculum, a column must be added after the column on prerequisites (Form 5B: Semestral Distribution with Corequisites). % Arrangement of courses within the semester must be based on the order found in Form 6: Summary of Courses and Appendix B: Service Courses. % Components of the course number (course code + number) must lie on the same line. % The word  Grand Total in bold attributes must be placed below the table of the last semester. The total number of units for the program is written on the same line but under the  Units column. % Remarks on special courses (e.g., MS courses subject to new law on military training, etc.) may be added after the  Grand Total line. IV. Instructions on Form 6 (Summary of Courses): % The title for this section  SUMMARY OF COURSES AND UNITS must be in upper case and bold attributes. % Filled up item over  Program must have the acronyms of the program and the option, if any. % Courses must be in line with the third letter of the subheading. Example: 1. Language and Literature (Sub-Heading) Eng 1 Eng 2 % Courses under the same subheading must be arranged alphabetically, then numerically. % The following words must be in bold attributes: Sub-Total, Total and Grand Total. % Core courses are those which are common to different programs within a College/Department. % Major courses are specialized courses required in a program. % Electives are optional courses that a student can choose from among alternatives. They may be taken within the Department or outside the Department/College. % Cognates are closely related or allied to the field of specialization and are required in the program. % If possible, all courses within one subheading must be kept in a page. % Under the sub-heading E (Units per Semester), if no subject is to be enrolled during summer, remove this row. This also applies to rows for fifth year (for a four-year course), rows for fourth and fifth year (for a three-year course), etc. % Refer all service courses to Appendix B (Service Courses). V. Instructions on Form 7 (Comparative Summary): % The title for this section  COMPARATIVE SUMMARY OF THE&  must be in upper case and bold attributes. % Option of the program, if any, must be included in the above title. % Acronyms of the program and the option, if any, must be clearly stated. % Order of presentation is based on Form 6 (Summary of Courses). % The following words must be in bold attributes: Sub-Total, Total and Grand Total. VI. Instructions on Form 8 (Course Description): A) Heading % The title for this section is  COURSE DESCRIPTION . % This must appear on the first line and centered between margins. % Use upper case with bold attributes. B) Course Number and Course Title % All courses are arranged based on Form 6 (Summary of Courses) and Appendix B (Service Courses). % Course number is flush with the left margin. % Course title is in upper case. % All course titles start at the same indentation % When course title exceeds the first line, continuing title must be flush with the title indentation of the first line a) Sample 1 (Title does not go beyond 1st line) CE 90 CIVIL ENGINEERING DRAFTING b) Sample 2 (Title goes beyond 1st line) CE 173 BIDS, CONTRACTS, SPECIFICATIONS, ETHICS AND ENGINEERING LAWS C) Course Description % Course description may be detailed or condensed. It is, however, recommended that, for consistency, only one of the forms be used throughout the presentation. % General education and other service courses must be presented in a manner as approved by the MSU Board of Regents. % The detailed type is narrative in form with complete sentence construction. % The condensed type merely presents the topics covered in the course. Related topics are separated by a comma and sets of topics, by a semi-colon. % Shown below are samples of the two options: a. Option 1: (Detailed) CE 90 CIVIL ENGINEERING DRAFTING The course covers basic principles of building lay-out, planning and preparation of Civil Engineering plans, elevations, sections and structural details, electrical and plumbing plans. AUTOCAD applications are likewise covered. b. Option 2: (Condensed) CE 90 CIVIL ENGINEERING DRAFTING Basic principles of building lay-out and planning; preparation of Civil Engineering plans, elevations, sections and structural details; electrical plans; plumbing plans; AUTOCAD applications. % Courses must be arranged alphabetically and in accordance with increasing course number based on Form 6 (Summary of Courses) and Appendix B (Service Courses). % Course requirements may not be included in the course description. These may be incorporated in the syllabus. % A set of description for a course must not run to another page. If this happens, provide a page break prior to its course number. % Provide a single row spacing on the following: a. after the title; b. prior to the row on credit; and c. after course(s) under  Prerequisite(s) / Corequisites . D) Credit % Period/Point (.), for the abbreviated forms (hr, hrs, lec and lab) need not be marked. % Shown below are samples for three course categories: a. Courses without laboratories Credit: 3 units (3 hrs lec) % No need to state  0 hr lab . b. Courses without lectures Credit: 2 units (6 hrs lab) % No need to state  0 hr lec . c. Courses with both lectures and laboratories Credit: 4 units (3 hrs lec, 3 hrs lab) E) Prerequisite(s) % Use of the word  Prerequisite(s) for both single or multiple courses. % The word  Prerequisite(s) must be in the same indentation with the word  Credit above it. % Prerequisites are specified in terms of a course number followed by the course title enclosed in parentheses. % If no prerequisite is required, the word  None (first letter in upper case) must be stated. % For two or more prerequisites, each prerequisite is placed on a separate line, but all are flush to the same indentation. % Prerequisites such as  Candidacy for Graduation ,  Senior Standing ,  Consent of Instructor and the likes are discouraged. Identify clearly the required prerequisite course. % Shown below are samples of single and multiple prerequisites: a. Single Prerequisite: Prerequisite(s): Chem 12 (Fundamentals of Chemistry) b. Multiple Prerequisites: Prerequisite(s): Chem 12 (Fundamentals of Chemistry) Bio 1 (Basic Biology) CE 101 (Hydrology) F) Corequisite(s) % This is used when a course must be taken simultaneously with another course. % The same format as with  Prerequisite(s) is employed, i.e., use of the word  Corequisite(s) for both single and multiple corequisites. % This is placed below but on the same indentation with the  Prerequisite(s) . % Shown below are examples for single and multiple corequisites: a. Single Corequisite: Corequisite(s): Chem 15.2 (General Chemistry Lab I) b. Multiple Corequisites: Corequisite(s): Chem 15.2 (General Chemistry Lab I) Math 17 (Algebra and Trigonometry) FORM 1: APPROVAL SHEET OF CURRICULUM COMITTEES Republic of the Philippines MINDANAO STATE UNIVERSITY Marawi City Program: ___________________________________________________________ Proponent: ___________________________________________________________ Features of the Revision: 1. 2. 3. Recommending Approval The Proponents: (Spell out names) Department Curriculum Committee: ___________________ ___________________ ___________________ Member Member Member ___________________ ___________________ ___________________ Member Member Chair, Dept. of_______ Campus with Similar Offering: ___________________ ___________________ ___________________ Dept. Faculty Member Dept. Faculty Member Chair, Dept. of_______ ___________________ ___________________ ___________________ Chair, College Cur. Com. Dean, College of_____ Chair, Campus Cur. Com. College Curriculum Committee: ___________________ ___________________ ___________________ Member Member Member ___________________ ___________________ ___________________ Member Chair, College Cur. Com. Dean, College of_____ Campus Curriculum Committee: ___________________ ___________________ ___________________ Chairperson Member Member ___________________ ___________________ ___________________ Member Member Member ___________________ Chancellor The University System Curriculum Committee: ___________________ ___________________ ___________________ Chairperson Member Member ___________________ ___________________ ___________________ Member Member Member Date of Approval by the Campus Council: ___________________________________________ Date of Approval by the University Council: _________________________________________ Date of Approval by BOR: _______________________________________________________ Date of Implementation: _________________________________________________________ FORM 2: CAMPUS COUNCIL RESOLUTION Republic of the Philippines Mindanao State University Marawi City OFFICE OF THE REGISTRAR Excerpts from the Minutes of the ( th) Meeting of the (ƵMarawi) Campus Council held at the (ƵAcademic Complex, Marawi Campus, Marawi) on (September , 2002).  x-x-x x-x-x x-x-x RESOLUTION NO. _____, S. 2002 RESOLVED that upon the recommendation of the (University President/Chancellor), the Academic Planning and the Campus Council en banc, the proposed revision of the (BS ) Program, herein appended as Annex A and made an integral part of this resolution, is hereby approved subject further to the approval of the University Council and finally by the Board of Regents. x-x-x x-x-x x-x-x CERTIFIED TRUE AND CORRECT: Name University Registrar Secretary of the Campus Council FORM 3: UNIVERSITY COUNCIL RESOLUTION Republic of the Philippines Mindanao State University Marawi City OFFICE OF THE UNIVERSITY SECRETARY/ SECRETARY TO THE UNIVERSITY SYSTEM COUNCIL Excerpts from the Minutes of the (____th) Meeting of the ƵSystem Council held at ƵAcademic Complex, Marawi Campus, Marawi on (September , 2002).  x-x-x x-x-x x-x-x RESOLUTION NO. _____, S. 2002 RESOLVED that upon the recommendation of the University President, Academic Planning Committee, Campus Council and University System Council en banc, the proposed revision of the (BS ________) Program, herein appended as Annex A and made an integral part of this resolution, is hereby approved subject further to the final approval of the Board of Regents. x-x-x x-x-x x-x-x CERTIFIED TRUE AND CORRECT: BOR Secretary Secretary of the University Council FORM 4: RATIONALE, OBJECTIVES, STRATEGIES AND PROCESSES College: (Engineering)______________________________________________________ Department: (Civil Engineering)_________________________________________________ Branch/Unit: (Ƶ)_______________________________ Proposal: Revision of the Bachelor of (Science in Civil Engineering (BSCE) )___________ I. Rationale: II. Objectives: The program is offered with the following objectives: 1. to develop graduates who will be able to design and conduct researches; 2. to produce graduates who will be knowledgeable in the application of computers in the industry; 3. to allow ..; 4. to create ..; and 4. to yield graduates who will III. Other Components: a. Admission Requirements: b. Retention Policies: (if any) c. Fees and other Payments: (if any) f. Others Note: The general policies for admission and retention should be followed. (New Policies must be subject to a thorough study). IV. Strategies and Processes Involved in the Revision: V. Implementation Scheme of the Proposed Revised Curricula (See Appendix E) FORM 5A: SEMESTRAL DISTRIBUTION WITHOUT COREQUISITES BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN CIVIL ENGINEERING (BSCE) (LIST OF COURSES BY SEMESTER) BOR Resolution No. ____ , Series of (2002) First Year, First Semester Course No.Course TitleUnitsHrs/WkPrerequisite(s)Lec LabTotalEng 1College English I3303NoneFil 1Sining ng Komunikasyon3303NoneMath 17Algebra and Trigonometry6606NoneHist 1Philippine History3303NoneHist 5Life and Works of Rizal3303NonePE 1Physical Fitness and Health2202NoneNSTP 1National Service Training Program I(1.5)NoneTotal 2020020 First Year, Second Semester Course No.Course TitleUnitsHrs/WkPrerequisite(s)Lec LabTotalEng 2College English II3303Eng 1Eng 3Oral Communication3303NoneChem 12Fundamentals of Chemistry3303Math 17Chem 12.1Fundamentals of Chemistry Lab1033Math 17Math 51Analytic Geometry and Calculus I6606Math 17Hist 3History of the Muslim Filipinos and the Indigenous Peoples of MINSUPALA3303NonePE 2Martial Arts/Dance2202NoneNSTP 2National Service Training Program II(1.5)NSTP 1Total2120323 % % % % % Grand Total 194 Units Notes: & & & & & & & & & & & & & & .. FORM 5B: SEMESTRAL DISTRIBUTION WITH COREQUISITES DIPLOMA IN CHEMICAL ENGINEERING TECHNOLOGY (DCHET) (LIST OF COURSES BY SEMESTER) BOR Resolution No. ______ , Series of (2002) First Year, First Semester Course No.Course TitleUnitsHrs/WkPrerequisite(s)Corequisite(s)Lec LabTotalEng 1College English I3303NoneNoneMath 17Algebra and Trigonometry6606NoneNoneChem 15General Chemistry I3303NoneMath 17, Chem 15.2Chem 15.2General Chemistry Lab I2066NoneChem 15Hist 3History of the Muslim Filipinos and the Indigenous Peoples of MINSUPALA3303NonePE 1Physical Fitness and Health2202NoneNoneEET 111Basic Electricity2134NoneNoneWshp 111Workshop Practice2066NoneNoneNSTP 1National Service Training Program I(1.5)NoneNoneTotal 23181533 % % % % % Grand Total 110 Units Notes: & & & & & & & & .& & & & & . FORM 6: SUMMARY OF COURSES SUMMARY OF COURSES AND UNITS ________________(Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering (BSCE))________________ Program ParticularsPresent (units)Proposed (units)A. General Education 1. Language and Literature Eng 133 Eng 233 Eng 333 Eng 4-3 enter other courses Sub-Total912 2. Mathematics and Natural Sciences Math 133 Nat Sci 103 enter other coursesSub-Total36 3. Humanities and Philosophy Hum 133 Philo 23- enter other coursesSub-Total63 4. Social Sciences Pol Sci 43- Psych 133 enter other coursesSub-Total63 5. Mandated Courses Hist 133 Hist 333 Hist 533 enter other coursesSub-Total99 6. Physical Education Courses PE 122 PE 222 PE 322 PE 422Sub-Total88TotalB. Professional Courses 1. Core Courses enter core coursesSub-Total 2. Major Courses enter major coursesSub-Total 3. Electives (if any)  enter electivesSub-Total 4. Cognates (if any)  enter cognatesSub-TotalTotal C. NSTP Courses NSTP 1(1.5)(0) NSTP 2(1.5)(0)Sub-TotalTotalGrand TotalD. Work Experience e.g. on-the-job-training, in-plant training, etc.150 hours120 hoursE. Units Per Semester First Year First Semester2120 Second Semester2119 Summer 3- Second Year First Semester1819 Second Semester1920 Summer- 3 Third Year First Semester2020 Second Semester2021 Fourth Year First Semester2120 Second Semester2120 Fifth Year First Semester2021 Second Semester2019 Grand Total204202 FORM 7: COMPARATIVE SUMMARY COMPARATIVE SUMMARY OF THE CURRENT AND PROPOSED REVISED CURRICULA OF THE BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN _____(BS__) Current ProposedSpecific Changes Done and its JustificationCourse No. Course TitleUnitsCourse No.Course TitleUnitsA. General Education 1. Language and LiteratureEng 1College English 13Eng 1College English 13no changesEng 2College English 23Eng 2College English 23rearranged to second year, first semester due to ___Eng 9Advanced Grammar and Composition3deleted because __________Sub-Total9Sub-Total6 2. Mathematics and Natural SciencesMath 1Introduction to College Mathematics3Math 1Introduction to College Mathematics3no changesMath 31Elementary Statistics3Math 30Applied Statistics3Math 30 is more relevant than Math 31Chem 12Fundamentals of Chemistry3Newly added course required by___Chem 12.1Fundamentals of Chemistry Lab1Newly added course required by ____Sub-TotalSub-Total 3. Humanities and Philosophyenter coursesSub-TotalSub-Total 4. Social Sciencesenter coursesSub-TotalSub-Total 5. Mandated Coursesenter coursesSub-TotalSub-Total 6. Physical Education Coursesenter coursesSub-TotalSub-TotalTotalTotalB. Professional Courses 1. Core Coursesenter coursesSub-TotalSub-TotalNote: Enter all other courses in the program and justify the changes, if any.Sub-TotalSub-TotalTotalTotalGrand Total150Grand Total140There is a reduction in the number of units due to _____. FORM 8: COURSE DESCRIPTION COURSE DESCRIPTION Chem 16 GENERAL CHEMISTRY II A continuation of Chem 15, this second course in General Chemistry focuses its discussions on the fundamental theories, laws and chemical changes involved in ionic equilibrium systems, chemical kinetics, electrochemistry and thermochemistry. It also includes brief discussions on metallurgy, organic chemistry and environmental chemistry. Credit : 3 units (3 hrs lec) Prerequisite(s): Chem 15 (General Chemistry I) Chem 15.2 (General Chemistry Lab I) Math 17 (Algebra and Trigonometry) Corequisite(s): Chem 16.2 (General Chemistry Lab II) CE 90 CIVIL ENGINEERING DRAFTING Basic principles of building lay out and planning; preparation of Civil Engineering plans, elevations, sections and structural details; electrical plans; plumbing plans; AUTOCAD applications. Credit : 2 units (6 hrs lab) Prerequisite(s) : ES 51 (Engineering Drawing) CE 153 MATRIX ANALYSIS OF STRUCTURES Numerical concepts related to matrices; structural theorems and strain energy concepts; matrix network formulation for structural analysis, stiffness and flexibility methods with emphasis on the direct stiffness method; matrix transformations; member property computation; introduction to finite element method; applications to thermal effects; substructuring; tall buildings and computational efficiency; access to computer laboratory. Credit : 3 units (3 hrs lec) Prerequisite(s) : CE 152 (Structural Theory II) ES 84 (Numerical Methods) CSc 112.1 COMPUTER ORGANIZATION AND ARCHITECTURE LABORATORY Assembly language programming; the basic PC hardware: its instruction set, programming, data representation and storage, execution of instructions and interaction with the operating system. Credit : 1 unit (3 hrs lab) Prerequisite(s) : CSc 112 (Computer Organization and Architecture) FORM 9: END-USER SURVEY AN END-USER SURVEY QUESTIONNAIRE (For Those with Supervisory Positions/For Graduates Who are Self Employed) Instructions: Please check the answers most applicable to you on the spaces provided. Please share your frank, honest and sincere answers. 1. Name: __________________________ Agency/Institution:___________________ 2. Age in years: No. of Employees Handled :____________ ______ 20 - 24 in the ________________________ ______ 25 - 29 (Name of Department/Function) ______ 30 - 34 ______ 35 - 39 ______ 40 - 44 ______ 45 - 49 ______ 50 and above 3. Sex: Male: ______ Female: ______ 4. Civil Status: Single: ______ Married: ______ Others: ___________________ 5. Highest Educational Attainment: ______ With graduate degree(s) ______ With graduate course units ______ College degree holder ______ Technology diploma holder ______ Others 6. Year(s) of Working Experience: ______ Less than one year ______ 1-5 years ______ 6-12 years ______ 11-15 years ______ 16-20 years ______ more than 20 years Please check the phrase that best describes your degree of supervision ______ No supervision (communication Self employed lines) ______ Little supervision (intermittent follow-up of work) ______ Adequate supervision (regular scheduled follow-up of work) ______ Close supervision (tight follow-up of work, content reminders)/Self employed 8. Please list down the desired competencies that need to be acquired by your subordinates and assess, as supervisor, the importance of the competencies in promoting quality service. Be guided with the following descriptions in answering this question. VIVery importanturgently needed to be integrated in the curriculum as a separate subject to be given appropriate time for adequate skill/competence development in the undergraduate curriculumIImportantneeded to be integrated as additional competencies to the already existing course/subjects s of the undergraduate curriculumMModerately Importantneeded however skill/ competence development can be done in the work. setting/ or at the masteral level or doctoral levelNINot importantneed not be incorporated in the undergraduate nor graduate curriculum (Below is an example of competencies, by subject, the department would like to add in the current curriculum. The competency statements should contain action verbs and an object that receives the action.) Examples: Technical Skill ______ installs minor assemblies, parts and components of the computer ______ replaces/repairs defective parts ______ Others __________________________________________ Research skills ______ encodes data for computer analysis ______ uses available program for statistical analysis ______ others ___________________________________________ Teaching Skills ______ identifies components of effective teaching ______ explains concepts of multiple intelligences and learning styles ______ applies teaching principles in specific situations ______ others___________________________________________ Thank you for your cooperation and time. Notes: The unit/department is given the option to add appropriate and relevant questions. The unit/department may effect necessary adjustments to the questionnaire should it be used to survey additional competencies for graduate programs. Adequate samples for the survey are required. FORM 10: FACULTY PROFILE Republic of the Philippines Mindanao State University Name of Campus and College Address Faculty Profile (Teaching Personnel) NameEducational QualificationArea of SpecializationSubjects to be Taught Employment Status (Tenure) with years of experienceTER (Average for last 2 semesters)Juan de la CruzPh.D. MAED AB/BSPhilosophy Guidance and Counseling PhilosophyPhilo 1 Social Philo FORM 11: LIST OF SCHOOL AND COLLEGE ADMINISTRATORS Republic of the Philippines Mindanao State University Name of Campus and College Address Program Head of the Proposed Program or his Counterpart NameEducational QualificationTeaching Experience (indicate institution)TenureAverage TER (past 2 years)License (Name of license and registration no., if any)Note: The Head should meet the necessary qualifications set by standards and policies of the program needing authority to be offered. FORM 12: LIST OF ACADEMIC NON-TEACHING PERSONNEL Republic of the Philippines Mindanao State University Name of Campus and College Address Program List of Academic Non-Teaching Personnel (Registrar, Librarian, Guidance Counselor, Proponent College Non-Teaching Personnel) NameEducational QualificationEmployment StatusPrevious Work ExperiencePresent PositionName and Registration Number of License, if any FORM 13: LIST OF LIBRARY HOLDINGS Republic of the Philippines Mindanao State University Name of Campus and College Address Program List of Library Holdings Books: No. of CopiesAuthorYearPublisherAccession No. Journals: (at least 5 subscriptions per program) Title of JournalsClassification (Local, International, Refereed, Non-refereed, Peer Reviewed) No. of Copies Periodicals: Name of Librarian: ___________________ At least two (2) daily subscriptions of broad Educational Qualification: ______________ sheet newspaper. Certified by:_________________ License No. as Librarian:_______________ Head/Dean Books/Titles By Subject Area Name of Program:_______________________________________________________________ Subject AreaTitleYearEditionAvailable or NotNo. of Copies Certified Correct:_________________________________ Dean, College of ________ Note: 3-5 titles per subject area are needed. FORM 14: LIST OF FACILITIES, EQUIPMENT, FURNITURE AND OTHER MATERIALS CLASSIFIED BY SUBJECT AREA Republic of the Philippines Mindanao State University Name of Campus and College Address Program List of Lab Facilities, Equipment, Furniture and Other Materials Classified by Subject Subject AreaFacilities, Equipment, Furniture, and Other Materials Required in the ProgramAvailability (Indicate if available or not available) Certified Correct:__________________________________________ Dean/Head Note: Determine from the syllabi the required facilities and equipment by subject area and indicate whether they are available or not. FORM 15. FEASIBILITY STUDY FEASIBILITY STUDY FOR ACADEMIC PROGRAMS 1.0 Executive Summary 1.1 Introduction 1.2 Brief Description of the New Program 1.3 Brief Statement of Campus Comprehensive Study Plan Supporting the Offering 1.4 Summary of the Findings and Conclusion Regarding the % Marketing Aspects % Technical Aspects % Management Aspects % Financial Aspects % Social Desirability of the Project 2.0 Marketing Aspects 2.1 Academic Description of the New Program This section is intended to describe the nature of the new program as well as its unique features that include: % The exact/complete title of the new program % The curriculum % Entrance/admission requirements % Method(s) of instruction % Relation of new program to other educational offerings of the region % Special attraction(s) 2.2 Comparison of the New Program with other Similar/Competing Offerings of the Proponent s School or Other Schools in the Target Vicinity, Province or Region (e.g., listing of schools, justification, tuition fees, accessibility, transportation, etc.) 2.3 Region or Community to be Served % General description % Natural features  size, climate, etc. % Population, occupation, and family income levels % Social attitudes % General levels of literacy % Economic activities % Transportation and residential areas 2.4 Demand Situation of the New Program % Population trend of students in the target area (last 3-5 years) % Analysis of the enrollment trend (last 3-5 years) % Analysis of prospective enrollees % Estimate of enrolment for the next 5 years 2.5 Tuition Fee Charges and Other Fees Incidental to the Offering of the New Program % Analysis of enrolment fees, past and future 2.6 Promotional Activities to be Undertaken (for the next 5 years) 2.7 Marketing Budget (Five Years) 3.0 Technical Aspect 3.1 School Location/Features of the New Program in terms of Distance to other Educational Facilities, Availability of Transportation, General Environment, etc. 3.2 Classroom and/or Laboratory Room Availability and Needs for the Next Five Years 3.3 Equipment Availability and Needs for the Next Five Years 3.4 Book Availability and Needs for the Next Five Years 3.5 Classroom Supplies and Equipment Availability and Needs for the Next Five Years 3.6 Current Faculty Profile and Faculty Needs for the Next Five Years 3.7 Faculty Development Program (Five Year Projection) 3.8 Total Technical Budget Requirements 4.0 Management Aspect A line up of probable recommended personnel for certain key positions in the implementation of the new program must be presented. It will help ascertain the feasibility of manning the program if the educational qualification, work experience and training of these candidates are as prescribed by national standards/policies. 4.1 Organizational Structure Organizational Chart (Present and Five-Year Projection) 4.2 Office Administrator and/or Staff Needed in the Implementation of the New Program % How many and their qualification 4.3 Pre-operating Activities (Target Dates/Periods)  Gantt Chart % Preparing the feasibility study % Securing of permit % Building construction % Purchase of equipment % Projected start of enrolment % Training of faculty member(s) % Securing tie-ups with outside groups % Signing of MOA s with tie-up groups 4.4 Pre-Operating Expenses 4.5 Office Equipment and Supplies Requirements for the Next Five Years 4.6 Administrative Expenses (Five-Year Projections) 5.0 Financial Aspects 5.1 New Program s Total Project Cost/Financial Requirements % Pre-operating period (e.g., surveys and studies, physical facilities, etc.) % Operating period (e.g., compensation of faculty members and other personnel, school supplies, buildings and ground maintenance, additional equipment, etc.) 5.2 Financing Plan (Sources of Funding) % Pre-operating period (e.g., government funds, etc.) % Operating period (e.g., government funds, tuition and other fees, etc.) 5.3 Sustainability of the Program 6.0 Social Desirability of the Proposed Program % Desirability of the proposed program as reflected in the outcome of the survey conducted among residents or prospective students/clients regarding their support to the offering and their desirability to enroll in the program. % Its role in the peace development efforts in Mindanao % Employment opportunities generation % Poverty alleviation % Increase in level of literacy % Increase in rate of development % Relevance to the thrusts/priorities (economic, social, etc.) of the national government for Mindanao Reference: Muro, Vicente, Preparing Project Feasibility Studies, Phoenix Press, Rizal Avenue, Manila, 1977. FORM 16: FORMAT FOR SYLLABUS-MAKING (SAMPLE SYLLABUS) Republic of the Philippines MINDANAO STATE UNIVERSITY Marawi City COLLEGE OF EDUCATION Department of Elementary/Secondary Education EDUCATION 107 Course Number Educ 107 Course Title Principles and Methods of Teaching Course Description: This course introduces prospective teachers to the complex nature of the teaching-learning process. It deals with principles associated with different instructional strategies and techniques, the teaching-learning cycles and classroom management. Emphasis is on experiential learning and assessment. IV. Unit Credits: 3 units Hours/Weeks: 54 hours/18 weeks Term: First Semester, AY 2002-2003 V. General Objectives: At the end of the semester, the students are able to: acquire adequate background information and knowledge of the principles and methods of teaching and learning; acquire adequate knowledge and understanding of the different methods and strategies of teaching and learning; and use/apply the principles, methods and strategies of teaching and learning in varied situations. VI. Course Content Outline A. CLASS ORIENTATION and ORGANIZATION 1 hours Specific Objective: At the end of the class meetings, the students are able to be familiar with the history of MSU, and the college of Education, its philosophy, mission, college policies, rules and regulations, etc. Topic Outline: Brief history of MSU, CED, its philosophy, mission, goals and objectives, college policies, rules and regulations Requirements of the course and expectations Coverage of the course Grading System Methodology: Lecture-Discussion Enrichment: Discussion of other relevant and related issues about Ƶand CED; feedback and reflections. Instructional Materials: Student Handbook, fact sheets, etc. Values Integration: Institutional Awareness and Appreciation B. COMPONENTS OF EFFECTIVE TEACHING 1 hours Specific Objectives: At the end of the class recitation, the students are able: to identify the components of effective teaching; and to get a thorough understanding of the concept of multiple intelligences and learning styles. Topic Outline: Components of Effective Teaching: Teachers Administrators, etc. Identifying Effective Teaching Multiple Intelligences Learning Styles Methodology: Discussion, Observations and Reflections Enrichment: Interview with school administrators, teachers and students Instructional Materials: Interview Questions, Observation Reports Values Integration: Emulating Effective and Outstanding Teachers C. THE TEACHER 1 hours Specific Objective: At the end of the class sessions, the students are able to enumerate and internalize the professional and personal qualities of effective teachers. Topic: Professional & Personal Qualities of a Teacher Methodology: Lecture-Discussion, Direct Observations Enrichment: Film Showing, Personal Observations Instructional Materials: Films, Magna Carta for Public School Teachers, Code of Professional Ethics for Teachers and Public Officials Values Integration: Appreciation of the Teaching Profession, Commitment D. PRINCIPLES OF TEACHING AND LEARNING 6 hours Specific Objectives: At the end of the discussions, the students are able: to cite and explain the principles of teaching and learning; and to apply these principles in specific situations. Topic Outline: Starting Principles of Teaching and Learning Guiding Principles of Teaching and Learning Ending Principles of Teaching and Learning Methodology: Discussion, Reporting and Socialized Recitation Enrichment: Classroom observation using a guide/class discussion Instructional materials: Books, Fact Sheets Values Integration: Appreciation, Perseverance E. THE 2002 BASIC EDUCATION CURRICULUM (B.E.C) 3 hours Specific Objectives: At the end of the class recitations, the students are able: to have an updated knowledge of the recent events in the DepEd; and to be able to use and apply the recent mandates for teachers. Topic Outline: Executive Summary of the B.E.C. Legal Bases Vision/ Mission of the DepEd Philosophy of the B.E.C. Features of the B.E.C. Learning Areas and Time Allotment Modes of Integrated Teaching Methodology: Lecture-Discussion, Reactions and Class Interactions Enrichment: Sharing of Ideas on the New Thrust Instructional Materials: News Reports, Feedbacks from the Field Values Integration: Awareness, Involvement F. LESSON PLANNING 6 hours Specific Objective: At the end of the class discussions, the students are able to plan and write different types of lesson plans and apply them in ones field of specialization Topic Outline: Importance of the lesson plan Types of lesson plans Parts of a lesson plan Starting behavioral objectives Factors to be considered in lesson planning Writing lesson plans that are workable Methodology: Lecture, Workshop Enrichment: Analyzing Ready-made Plans Instructional Materials: Textbook, References, Educational Magazines, MLC, ELC, SEDP, etc. Values Integration: Creativity and Resourcefulness G. TIME-TESTED METHODS 9 Hours Specific Objectives: At the end of the lectures, the students are able: to enumerate and discuss the traditional methods of teaching; and to app1y/demonstrate the use of traditional methods of teaching in specific situations. Topic Outline: 1.Types of Lessons a. The development lesson d. The application lesson b. The review lesson e. The supervised study lesson c. The drill lesson f. The appreciation lesson 2. Time-Tested Methods a. Inductive method f. Laboratory method b. Deductive method g. Demonstration method c. Type study method h. Unit method d. Problem method i. Lecture method e. Project method j. Expository method Methodology: Reporting, Lecture-Discussion, Workshop Enrichment: Class Interactions on the advantages/disadvantages of each method Instructional Materials: References, fact sheets Values Integration: Resourcefulness, Creativity, Patience H. CONTEMPORARY STRATEGIES & APPROACHES 3 hours Specific Objectives: At the end of the class discussions, the students are able: to have an updated and working knowledge on the use of contemporary strategies and approaches; and to apply these strategies and approaches in actual classroom situations. Topic Outline: 1. Interactive and Integrative Approaches 6. S-T-S Approach 2. Reflective Teaching 7. Interest Learning Centers 3. Cooperative Learning Approach 8. Synectics 4. Experiential Learning 9. Journal Writing/Narratives 5. Inquiry Teaching 10. Peer Tutoring Methodology: Seminar-Workshop, Lecture-Discussion Enrichment: Film Showing of CONSTEL tapes Instructional Materials: Films, Fact Sheets Values Integration: Awareness, Dedication, Commitment I. IMPROVED INSTRUCTIONAL PROCEDURES 3 hours Specific Objectives: At the end of the sessions, the students are able: to explain the selected improved instructional procedures; and to put into practice the varied procedures in varied situations. Topic Outline: 1. Discovery Approach 4. Mastery Learning Approach 2. Process Approach 5. Communicative Approach 3. Conceptual Approach 6. Buzz Session/Brainstorming, etc. Methodology: Oral Reporting, Group Dynamics, Discussion Enrichment: Analyses of Sample Lessons on the Procedures Instructional Materials: Fact Sheets, References Values Integration: Initiativeness, Dependability, Appreciation J. CLASSROOM MANAGEMENT 3 hours Specific Objectives: At the end of the class meetings, the students are able: to use/apply managerial skills and techniques in classroom management; and to solve classroom problems systematically and effectively. Topic Outline: What classroom management means Guidelines for effective classroom management Situations for effective classroom management Methodology: Simulation, Class Observations, Film Showing Enrichment: Discussion of Case Studies, Direct Observations Instructional Materials: Books, Magazines, Articles, Charts, Pictures Values Integration: Leadership, Initiativeness, Dependability K. AIDS TO EFFECTIVE TEACHING 1 hours Specific Objectives: At the end of the discussions, the students are able: to explain the role of assignments and their importance in the teaching- learning situation; to apply the principles of effective assignments; to explain and use questions effectively; and to apply the principles of effective questioning. Topic Outline: The Assignment: its Functions Effective Assignments Pointers in giving assignments Evaluating assignments Uses of questions Characteristics of a good question Techniques of questioning Methodology: Lecture-Workshop, Reaction-Interaction Enrichment: Discussions of sample assignments, sample questions Instructional Materials: Fact Sheets, Guides Values Integration: Awareness, Patience, Creativity L. ASSESSMENT OF INSTRUCTIONAL OUTCOMES 1 hours Specific Objectives: At the end of the recitations, the students are able: to explain the different types of evaluative materials; to formulate the questions for different types of tests; and to assess instructional outcomes objectively. Topic Outline: Types of Tests: their Uses & Applicability Formulating test items for specific subjects/grades Marking system Methodology: Lecture, Workshop, Direct Learning Enrichment: Analyzing test samples Instructional Materials: Test Materials/Samples Values Integration: Patience, Honesty, Perseverance M. DEMONSTRATION TEACHING 7 hours Specific Objectives: At the end of the class sessions, the students are able: to show, in a microteaching experience, the application of the different principles and methods in varied strategies and approaches to teaching; and to give reasons for using the different strategies and techniques in teaching- learning situations. Topic Outline: The Practice after the Theory Criteria for demonstration teaching Methodology: Demonstration Teaching Instructional Materials: Lesson Plans, Guides, etc. Values Integration: Openness, Acceptance of Ones Limitations VII. GRADING SYSTEM 1. Passing the three major examinations 30% 2. Class Participation 15% 3. Reports/Feedback 10% 4. Lesson Plans 20% 5. Demonstration Teaching 20% 6. Attendance 5% TOTAL - 100% Note: Mastery level adapted by the College is 75%. VIII. REFERENCES: Cruz, Pilar et al. (1985). Teaching the Elementary School Subjects. Quezon City: Rex Bookstore, Inc. Duka, Cecilio, et al. (2000). Reviewer for the L.E.T. Garcia, Manuel. (1989). Focus on Teaching. Quezon City: Rex Bookstore, Inc. Gregorio, Herman. (1976). Principles & Methods of Teaching. Quezon City: R.P. Garcia Publishing, Inc. Gregorio, Herman. (1983). Principles & Methods of College Teaching. Quezon City: R.P. Garcia Publishing, Inc. Hidalgo, Fe . (1984). Tips on How to Teach Effectively. Quezon City: Rex Bookstore, Inc. Kameenui, Edward, et al. (1998). Effective Teaching Strategies that Accommodate Diverse Learners. New York: Harper Row Publishers, Inc. Lardizabal, Amparo. (1991). Principles and Methods of Teaching. Quezon City: Phoenix Publishing House, Inc. Navarro, Rosita, et al. (1988). Principles of Teaching and Instructional Technology Quezon City: Katha Publishing Company, Inc. Ornstein, Allan. (1990). Strategies for Effective Teaching. New York: Harper Collins Publishers. Powell, Richard, et al . (2001). Classroom Management Perspectives. New York: Harper Row Publishers, Inc. Salandanan, Gloria G. (2000). Teaching Approaches and Strategies. Quezon City: Katha Publishing Company, Inc. Salandanan, Gloria G. (2001). Teachers Journal. Quezon City: Katha Publishing Company, Inc. Tenedero, Henry. (1998). Breaking the IQ Myth. Manila: Henyo Publications Tindal, Gerard, et al. (1990). Classroom-Based Assessment. London: Delmar Publishers, Inc. Villamin, Araceli, et al. (2001). Windows to Success (L.E.T. Reviewer). Quezon City: Phoenix Publishing House, Inc. Prepared By: ___________________________ ____________________________________ (Sgd.) AZUCENA A.RIJIZ, Ed.D. (Sgd.) PENDILILANG B. GUNTING, Ph.D. Professor Professor Noted: ______________________________ _____________________________________ (Sgd.) Prof. AIDA CALIMBA-SANI (Sgd.) MARY MARYAM S. AMBOR, Ph.D. Chair, Dept. of Elem. Teaching Chair, Dept. of Secondary Teaching Approved: _______________________________ PENDILILANG B. GUNTING, Ph.D. Dean For the FIRST SEMESTER, AY 2002-2003 Note: The suggestions and recommendations of various accreditors who had visited the University are incorporated in this syllabus. EVALUATION AND MONITORING INSTRUMENT FOR PROGRAMS REQUESTING AUTHORITY TO OFFER The Evaluation and Monitoring Instrument Prequalifiers: The curriculum must be the recent BOR-approved curriculum. Minimum requirements for faculty qualification prescribed by the policies and standards of a given program must be strictly followed. Fifty percent of the faculty members to handle the program must be full-time. Consortium arrangement (if there is any) must be supported with a MOA. FORM 17A: RELEVANCE OF PROGRAM Area of Evaluation General RatingActual RatingPermitMonitoringRequisite:A. Relevance of the Program to the mandated thrust and area of specialization of the campus 100 max1. Verifying in the area of specialization of the campus 85-100 2. Allied Fields 70-84 3. Non-related but in demand 50-69 4. Non related & not in demand below 50 Rating: Strengths: ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ Areas Needing Improvement: ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ Recommendations: ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________  FORM 17B1: FUNDING Area of Evaluation General RatingActual RatingPermitMonitoringB. Preparedness of the College100 max 1. Funding Evaluation of sufficient budget allocation for 5 years already indicating the source and amount of funds duly approved by the Chancellor 85-100With funding estimate for 5 years and source identified but without the approval of the Chancellor and not reflected in internal budget of the campus 70-84With 5 years budget estimate but funding not identified, nor approved by the Chancellor 50-69 Rating: Strengths ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ Areas Needing Improvement: ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ Recommendations: ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________  FORM 17B2: HEAD OF PROGRAM Areas of Evaluation General RatingActual RatingPermitMonitoring2. Head of the Program/Chair of the Department100 maxa. Educational Qualification % With doctoral degree % With Masteral degree % BS Degree Note: If educational qualification is not relevant, less 10 pts. If the head/Chair has no license (for program only needing licenses), less 10 pts.50 50 40 30b. Teaching Experience 7 years and above 4-5 years 3 years and below 30 30 20 10c. Tenure Permanent Non-permanent 10 10 0d. TER Average of 85% or above for the past two years Below 85% 10 10 0 Rating: Strengths: ____________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ Areas Needing Improvement: ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ Recommendations: ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________  FORM 17B3: FACULTY Area of Evaluation General RatingActual RatingPermitMonitoring3. Faculty100 maxa. Educational Qualification Minimum educational requirements for all faculty members to handle the program is met. Not all faculty members to handle the program meet the needed minimum educational requirements. 50 50 0b. Teaching Experience 50-100% of qualified faculty members to handle the program is with relevant 3 years and above teaching experience. Less than 50% the faculty members to handle the program is with relevant 3 years teaching experience. 20 20 10c. Status 50-100% of qualified faculty members are full-time. This includes faculty members within the system who are identified by the proponent college to teach in the program. Less than 50% of the qualified faculty members are full-time 10 10 0d. TER At least 50% of the faculty members to handle the program have an average of 85% TER for the past two years. Less than 50% of the faculty members to handle the program have a TER average of 85% for the past two years. 20 20 0 Rating: Strengths: ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ Areas Needing Improvement: ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ Recommendations: ____________________________________________________________________________  FORM 17B4: INSTRUCTIONAL STANDARDS Area of Evaluation General RatingActual RatingPermitMonitoring4. Instructional Standards 100 maxSyllabus All of the major subjects have the syllabi . Half of the major subjects have the syllabi. Less than half of the major subjects have the syllabi 100 50 0 Rating: Strengths: ____________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ Areas Needing Improvement: ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ Recommendations: ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________  FORM 17B5: LIBRARY Area of Evaluation General RatingActual RatingPermitMonitoring5. Library 100 maxa. Qualification of the librarian With AB/BS/BSE Library Science degree and with License. With appropriate library degree but without license. Not qualified5 5 2 0 b. Library Holdings Number of titles per subject complied with CHED policies and guidelines requirements. Only two titles per subject95 95 50 Rating: Strengths: ____________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ Areas Needing Improvement: ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ Recommendations: ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________  FORM 17B6: LABORATORY FACILITIES Area of Evaluation General RatingActual RatingPermitMonitoring6. Laboratory Facilities and Equipment 100 maxList of facilities and equipment needed in the program (Listing is by program) 100% compliance of these requirements prescribed in CHED policies and guidelines 50% compliance of the prescribed laboratory facilities and equipment requirements Less than 50% compliance of the prescribed laboratory facilities and equipment requirements 100 50 0 Rating: Strengths: ____________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ Areas Needing Improvement: ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ Recommendations: ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________  FORM 17B7: AVAILABILITY OF ENOUGH STUDENTS Area of Evaluation General RatingActual RatingPermitMonitoring7. Availability of enough students in the next five years 100 (Max) With assisting feasibility study assuring of availability of enough students in the next five years Feasibility study not giving an assurance of enough students in the next five years  100 0 Rating: Strengths: ____________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ Areas Needing Improvement: ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ Recommendations: ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________  FORM 17C: EVALUATION SUMMARY SUMMARY OF EVALUATION AND MONITORING INSTRUMENT Areas of Evaluation General Rating (% Maximum)Actual RatingPermitMonitoringA. Relevance of the program to the mandated thrust and area of specialization of the campus 20B. Preparedness of the Unit 1. Funding 2. Head of the Program/Chair of the Department 3. Faculty 4. Instructional Standards 5. Library 6. Laboratory Facilities and Equipment 7. Availability of Enough Students in the Next Five Years80 10 5 20 5 15 5 20 Total (B) 100% General Recommendation: ____________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ Evaluators: _________________________ Team Leader ____________________ ____________________ Member   256Aabqruy}- . / 0 3 t y ö{܌uuo_jhCJUmHnHu hCJH hCJ8h5H*\h5CJ$\ hCJ$h6B*]phh56B*CJ(\]phh6CJ(]h6B*CJ4]phh56B*CJ4\]phh6CJ4] h5\h5CJ(\jhUjhUh%     $$Ifa$K$HkdK$$Ifl408D%` !4 laf4 $$Ifa$$If  wFw 23456X4kdM$IfK$L$l4 la4kd$IfK$L$l4 la $$Ifa$K$4kd$IfK$L$l4 la6789:;<X4kd1$IfK$L$l4 la4kd$IfK$L$l4 la $$Ifa$K$4kd$IfK$L$l4 la<=>?@AaXP$IfK$4kd$IfK$L$l4 la4kd$IfK$L$l4 la $$Ifa$K$4kd}$IfK$L$l4 laabrstuzX4kd$IfK$L$l4 la4kd$IfK$L$l4 la $$Ifa$K$4kda$IfK$L$l4 laz{|}M4kd$IfK$L$l4 la $$Ifa$K$4kd$IfK$L$l4 la $$Ifa$K$4kdE$IfK$L$l4 laX4kd$IfK$L$l4 la4kdu$IfK$L$l4 la 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APPENDICES APPENDIX A.1 PROPOSED MSUS MINIMUM GENERAL EDUCATION REQUIREMENT FOR BACALLAUREATE PROGRAMS (AS OF 1999) For Social Sciences & Applied Social Sciences (A)For Basic Sciences & Applied Sciences (B)1. Language & Literature - 18 units1. Language & Literature - 15 units English 9 units (1,2,3) Filipino 6 units (1,2) Literature 3 units (4) English 9 units (1,2,3) Filipino 3 units (1) Literature 3 units (4)2. Mathematics & Natural Sciences - 15 units2. Mathematics & Natural Sciences - 15 units or more Mathematics 6 units (1 & any Statistics course (offered by Math dept.) relevant to the program) Natural Science 6 units (Bio 1 & Nat Sci) Computer Science Elective 3 units  Mathematics 6 units (1, & any Statistics course offered by Mathematics Dept. relevant to the program) Natural Science 6 units or more Computer Science Elective 3 units3. Humanities & Philosophy - 6 units3. Humanities & Philosophy - 3 units Humanities - 3 units Philosophy - 3 units (1 or 2) Humanities- 3 units Philosophy- 3 units (1 or 2) (except For Engineering, Computer Science & BS Statistics)4. Social Science - 9 units4. Social Science - 3 units or more A) Social Science (with Constitution, Taxation & Land Reform, FP and population Education) + Psycho + Anthro/Socio or B) Political Science 4 (with Constitution) + Econ 1 (with Taxation & Land Reform) + Socio (With FP & Population Education) A) Social Science (with Constitution, Taxation & Land Reform, FP & Population Education) or B) Political Science (with Constitution) + Econ I (with Taxation & Land Reform) + Socio with FP & population Education. N.B. Optional Additional courses (Psych, Anthro, or any Social Science Courses for programs requiring more than 3 units of Social Science courses.5. Mandated - 9 units5. Mandated - 9 units Hist 1, Hist 3, Hist 5 Hist 1, Hist 3, Hist 5 Total - 57 units Total - 45 units  Note: The department has the option to increase these requirements just so to complete the required/mandated components (relevant to the respective program) at National Level. APPENDIX A.2 PROPOSED MSUS MINIMUM GENERAL EDUCATION REQUIREMENT FOR TECHNOLOGY/DIPLOMA PROGRAMS (AS OF 1999) For 3 Year Technology ProgramFor 2 Year Technology Program2 Year Diploma with Licensure (PRC)1. Language & Literature - 12 units1. Language & Literature - 3 units1. Language & Literature - 15 units English 9 units (1,2,3) Filipino none Communication Skills 3 units Essential English A 3 units Filipino 3 units Literature - none English 9 units (1,2,3) Filipino 6 units (1, 2) Literature- none2. Mathematics & Natural Science - 15 units2. Mathematics - 3 units2. Mathematics & Natural Science - none Mathematics 6 units Natural Science 6 units Computer Science Elective 3 units Mathematics- 3 units Natural Science- none Computer Science Elective - 3 units ***None***3. Humanities & Philosophy - 03.Humanities & Philosophy - 03.Humanities & Philosophy - 0***None******None******None***4. Social Sciences 3 units4. Social ScienceSocial Science - 6 units Pol Sci 3 units***None******None***5. Mandated Courses 6 units5. Mandated Courses 6 units5. Mandated Courses 9 units Hist 3, Hist 5 Hist 3, Hist 5 Hist 1, Hist 3, Hist 5Total = 36 unitsTotal = 18 unitsTotal = 30 units Note: The department has to increase these requirements just so to complete the required/mandated components (relevant to the respective program) at National level. APPENDIX A.3 PROPOSED MSUS MINIMUM GENERAL EDUCATION REQUIREMENT FOR BACALLAUREATE AND TECHNOLOGY/DIPLOMA PROGRAMS AT A GLANCE (AS OF 1999) Technology/Diploma ProgramsBaccalaureate ProgramsThree-Year Techno-logyTwo-Year Tech-nologyTwo-year Diploma Social Sciences & Applied Social SciencesBasic Sciences and Applied Sciences(units)(units)(units)(units)(units)1. Language and Literature  English Essential Ararrr English9 (Eng 1, 2 & 3)r9 (Eng 1, 2 & 3)9 (Eng 1,2,3)9 (Eng 1, 2, 3) Filipino r366 (Fil 1 & 2)3 (Fil 1) Communication Skills3rrrr Literaturerrr3 (Eng 4)3Sub-Total1231518152. Mathematics and Natural Sciences Mathematics63r6 (1 Math + any stat course offered by Math Dep t)6 (1 Math + any stat course offered by Math Dep t) Natural Sciences6rr6 (Bio 1 & Nat Sci)6 or more Computer Science Elective3rr33Sub-Total15301515 or more3. Humanities and Philosophy Humanitiesrrr33 Philosophyrrr3 (Philo 1 or 2)3 (Philo 1 or 2, except for Eng, CSc and BSStat)Sub-Total000634. Social Sciences Pol Sci 2333rrOptions for Social Sciences and Applied Social Sciences Option 1: Pol Sci 2 + Psych + Anthro 1/Socio 1rrr9rr Option 2: Pol Sci 4 + Econ 1 + Sociology with Family Planning and Population Educationrrrr9rOptions for Basic & Applied Sciences  Option 1: Pol Sci 2 rrrrr3r Option 2: Pol Sci 4 + Econ 1 + Sociology with Family Planning and Population Educationrrrrrr9Sub-Total33393 or more5. Mandated Courses Hist 1rr333 Hist 2rr3rr Hist 333r33 Hist 533333Sub-Total66999Total3618335745 or more APPENDIX B: SERVICE COURSES LIST OF SERVICE COURSES Course NumberCourse TitleCredit UnitsA. General Education 1. Language and LiteratureEng 1College English I3Eng 2College English II3Eng 3Oral Communication3Eng 4Introduction to Literature 3Eng 5Content and Style3Eng 6Formal Correspondence3Eng 7Public Speaking3Eng 8Technical Writing3Eng 9Advanced Grammar and Composition3Fil 1Sining ng Komunikasyon3Fil 2Pagsulat at Pagbasa sa Ibat-Ibang Disiplina3Fil 3Retorika3Fil 4Korespondensiya Opisyal3Fil 5Panitikan ng Pilipinas3 2. Mathematics and Natural SciencesBio 1Basic Biology3Bio 101Introduction to Biological Sciences3Chem 11Chem 12Fundamentals of Chemistry3Chem 12.1Fundamentals of Chemistry Lab1Chem 15General Chemistry I3Chem 15.2General Chemistry Lab I2Chem 16General Chemistry II3Chem 16.2General Chemistry Lab II2Chem 28Quantitative Analytical Chemistry3Chem 28.2Quantitative Analytical Chemistry Lab2Chem 31Chem 32Elementary Organic Chemistry3Chem 32.2Elementary Organic Chemistry Lab2Chem 35Organic Chemistry I3Chem 35.2Organic Chemistry Lab I2Chem 36Organic Chemistry II3Chem 36. 2Organic Chemistry Lab II2Chem 45Elementary Biochemistry3Chem 45.1Elementary Biochemistry Lab2CSc 1Introduction to Computers3Math 1Introduction to College Mathematics3Math 2College Algebra3Math 14Plane Trigonometry3Math 15College Trigonometry3Math 17Algebra and Trigonometry6Math 31Elementary Statistics3Math 40Calculus for Management Science5Math 42Calculus for Life Science5Math 51Analytic Geometry and Calculus I6Math 61Analytic Geometry and Calculus II6Math 71Analytic Geometry and Calculus III6Nat Sci 1Foundation of Physical Science3Phys 11Introductory Physics I3Phys 11.1Introductory Laboratory Physics I1Phys 12Introductory Physics II3Phys 12.1Introductory Laboratory Physics II1Phys 21General Physics I3Phys 21.1Laboratory Physics I1Phys 31General Physics II3Phys 31.1Laboratory Physics II1Phys 41General Physics III3Phys 41.1Laboratory Physics III1Stat 33Biostatistics4 3. Humanities and PhilosophyHum 1Introduction to Humanities3Philo 1Introduction to Issues and Isms3Philo 2Argumentation in Contemporary Society3Philo 3Philosophy of Man3Philo 4Introduction to Ethics3 4. Social SciencesAnthro 1Introduction to Anthropology3Econ 1Introduction to Economics, Taxation, Land Reform and Cooperatives3Pol Sci 1Introduction to Political Science3Pol Sci 2Philippine Government and Constitution, Agrarian Reform and Taxation, Family Planning and Population Education3Pol Sci 4Politics and Governance3Psych 1Introduction to Psychology3Socio 1Introduction to Sociology3 5. Mandated CoursesHist 1Philippine History3Hist 3History of the Muslim Filipinos and the Indigenous Peoples of MINSUPALA3Hist 5Life and Works of Rizal3 6. Physical Education CoursesPE 1Physical Fitness and Health2PE 2Martial Arts/Dance2PE 3Individual and Dual Sports 2PE 4Team Sports2B. National Service and Training Program CoursesNSTP 1National Service and Training Program I(1.5)NSTP 2National Service and Training Program II(1.5)C. Education CoursesEd 100Historical, Philosophical and Legal Foundation of Education3Ed 101Sociological, Psychological and Anthropological Foundation of Education3Ed 103Educational Measurement and Evaluation3Ed 104Guidance and Counseling3Ed 105Educational Technology3Ed 106Introduction to Curriculum Development3Ed 107Principles and Methods of Teaching3Ed 110Values Education and Professional Ethics3D. Industrial Education CoursesIEd 102Educational Psychology (Industrial Education)3IEd 104Educational and Vocational Guidance3IEd 107Trade and Job Analysis and Course Construction3IEd 109Administration and Supervision of Vocational and Technical Education3E. Seminars, Practicum, Research, Special Projects, Undergraduate and Graduate Thesis and DissertationM* 190-196M* Seminar in (Topic)3M* 197M* Practicum3M* 198M* Methods of Research3M* 199M* Undergraduate Thesis/Special Projects3M* 399M* Masteral Thesis/Special Projects6M* 599M* Dissertation/Special Projects6M* refers to majors acronym, e.g., CE 199 (for course number) and CE Undergraduate Thesis/Special Projects (for course title) Note: Service Courses from other Campuses will be added. APPENDIX C: COURSE CODE COURSE CODE CodeSubjectsCollege of Arts and HumanitiesCollege of Arts and Social SciencesAnthroAnthropologyEngEnglishFilFilipinoFor LangForeign LanguageHistHistoryHumHumanitiesPhiloPhilosophyPol SciPolitical SciencePsychPsychologySocioSociologyCollege of Business AdministrationAcctgAccountingBLBusiness LawBus CComputer Applications in BusinessBus FBusiness FinanceBus LawBusiness LawBus StatBusiness StatisticsEconEconomicsEntrepEntrepreneurshipFinFinanceITInformation TechnologyLawLawMgtManagementMktgMarketingStatStatisticsTaxTaxationCollege of EducationArt EdArt EducationEdEducationEdScEducational ScienceHEHome EconomicsIAIndustrial ArtsIEdIndustrial EducationNat SciNatural ScienceTDTechnical DrawingCollege of EngineeringBusEBusiness EnterpriseCECivil EngineeringCerECeramics EngineeringChEChemical EngineeringCScComputer ScienceECComputer EngineeringECEElectronics & Communications EngineeringEEElectrical EngineeringEMMining EngineeringEnEEnvironmental EngineeringESEngineering ScienceGEGeodetic EngineeringGeolGeologyGSGeological ScienceMEMechanical EngineeringMetEMetallurgical EngineeringMSEMaterial Science and EngineeringSTSScience, Technology and SocietyCollege of Sciences and MathematicsBioBiologyBotBotanyChemChemistryEn SciEnvironmental ScienceMar BioMarine BiologyMathMathematicsOceaOceanologyPhysPhysicsStatStatisticsZooZoologySchool of Engineering TechnologyAETAutomotive Engineering TechnologyCETCivil Engineering TechnologyCHETChemical Engineering TechnologyEETElectrical Engineering TechnologyEmEngineering MeasurementsESETElectronics Engineering TechnologyFMFluid MechanicsIACETIndustrial Automation and Control Engineering TechnologyMETMechanical Engineering TechnologyMSETMaterial Science Engineering TechnologyPEMProperties of Engineering MaterialsRACETRefrigeration and Air Conditioning Engineering TechnologyTDTechnical DraftingEntrepEntrepreneurshipTPThermal PrinciplesWldWeldingWshpWorkshop Practices Note: Course Code from other campuses will be added. APPENDIX D: ACADEMIC DEVELOPMENT PLAN Suggested Guide in the Making of the Campus Academic Development Plan Match environmental opportunities with internal strengths to determine the campus basic mission, clientele, goals, program/service mix, geographic service area and comparative advantage. Inputs: Environmental data (research center can provide this) Internal data (strengths and weaknesses of the campus, this can be taken as inputs from various functioning units/colleges ) Vision/Mission/ Thrust of the Campus (must be used as basis for the plan) The Vision, Mission and Objectives of the Mindanao State University Output: Strategic assumptions Context of the plan Long-term directions on academic programs, and some others (this is needed to set control). Person(s) Responsible: The top management/key officials of the campus, (Chancellor, Vice Chancellors, PEMO, etc.) Formulate campus-wide functional strategies for the campus academic programs planning to achieve need/results in number one. Input : MVGO of the University and that of the campus General directions or long-term directions of the campus. Environmental data (can be taken from the research center/or other source) Internal data (strengths and weaknesses of the various units of the campus) Output: Academic decisions on what programs are to be retained, phased out, and offered Academic institutional culture Social mission Human resources Institutional achievements Finances Physical resources Person(s) Responsible: Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs, Deans, Campus Curriculum Committee) Formulate strategic profiles action priorities, identify resource requirements/budget that are designed by academic units in response to the institutional strategies and campus-wide functional strategies formulated in number one or two. Inputs: Mission statement of the University and that of the campus General directions Functional strategies College goals, objectives External/internal environmental data. Output: College and departmental objectives Program objectives Annual activities Performance standard Person responsible Timetable Budget allocation Persons Responsible : Deans of units in consultation with faculty/staff, department and college curriculum committee. APPENDIX E: IMPLEMENTATION SCHEME Implementation Scheme of the Proposed Revised Curricula The implementation scheme should state the salient or important points that need to be followed for the effective and sound implementation of the proposed curriculum. The implementation of the revised curricula shall cover the incoming Freshmen of the College for AY 20_______. However, students who are already enrolled in the program under the old curriculum may be allowed or required to shift to the revised curriculum PROVIDED THAT: 1.1 Shifting to the revised curriculum shall be at the advantage of the student. Shifting to the revised curriculum will not unnecessarily extend the students stay in the University. New courses under the revised curriculum are required courses in the Professional Board Exam. The newly revised curriculum shall be implemented starting AY 20 ____ . As a rule , the first semester courses are offered during the first semester; the second term courses during the second. However, off semester courses may be offered provided that there are valid grounds as determined by the Office of the Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs, and provided further that the minimum class size as provided for in the University Code is met for the last section and while all other sections of same course are with maximum class size. Prerequisite courses not indicated in the curriculum are generally discouraged unless found to be necessary for an average student to pass the higher course. The offering of the elective courses shall be offered as regular teaching load of the department PROVIDED that such offering does not entail overload teaching units unless otherwise authorized by the Campus Chancellor. Note: Some other implementing guides can be added to facilitate sound implementation of the proposed revised curriculum. All implementing guides are subject to review and recommendation of appropriate reviewing committees.     PAGE  PAGE  PAGE 86 Implementation of the proposed revised curriculum Approval of the proposed revised curriculum by the Board of Regents No Yes Are there major corrections? Submission of the draft to the Board of Regents for evaluation and approval Approval by the University Council - Form 3 (Indicate date of Approval on Form 1) No Yes Are there major corrections? Submission of the draft to the University Council for evaluation and approval Signing of Form 1 (Approval Sheet of Curriculum Committees) (Indicate date of approval in the form) Yes No Are corrections and comments applied and checked by the MSU-System Curriculum Committee? Submission of the corrected draft by the proponent to the MSU-System Curriculum Committee Return of the draft to the proponent for application of corrections 2 2 Submission of the draft to MSU-System Curriculum Committee on or before September 30 for evaluation and approval Approval of the proposed curricular revision by the Campus Council (Indicate date of approval on Form 1) No Yes Are there major corrections? 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(Indicate date of approval on Form 1) Yes No Appropriate corrections and comments are applied and checked by the APC? Return of the draft to the proponent for application of corrections Submission of the draft to Academic Planning Committee for evaluation and approval 1 1 Signing of Form 1 (Approval Sheet of Curriculum Committees). Indicate date of approval on the form. Yes No Appropriate corrections and comments are applied and checked by the Campus Curriculum Committee? Submission of the corrected draft by the proponent to the Campus Curriculum Committee Return of the draft to the proponent for application of corrections Marking of corrections and comments on the draft by members of the Campus Curriculum Committee Submission of the draft to Campus Curriculum Committee for evaluation and approval Signing of Form 1 (Approval Sheet of Curriculum Committees). Indicate date of approval on the form. Yes No Are all salient features of the revision applied and differences concerning the revision within the Department, College levels and/or campuses resolved? Deliberation of the proposed curricular revision at the Department and College levels. For a program offered by other campuses, consultation to and deliberation by key representatives from all campuses concerned must be conducted. Start  APC 4 T V W Y Z       ) *      & ' z {        $a$  j k q r s u v w { } ~     $a$:00&P1hP/ I!"#$% 70&P1hP/ I!"#$% Ddry0VVT  C 0A~msu_logo_2RJ AZ1bJ,x&DF AZ1bJ,xJFIFC    $.' 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