
OQuAMS conducts AUN-QA Orientation for University officials

by OQUAMS | Mar 20 2024

The Office of Quality Assurance and Management Services (OQuAMS) under the Office of the Vice Chancellor for Strategic Initiatives conducted the ASEAN University Network - Quality Assurance (AUN-QA) Orientation on January 30, 2024, at the MSU-IIT PRISM Conference Hall. The orientation aims to impart to University officials the framework of AUN-QA and its requirements.

This activity is in line with the University’s preparations in its application for the AUN-QA Associate Membership, thus, ensuring the various colleges and offices understand AUN-QA’s established criteria and requirements and in the process, assess their respective colleges/offices using the Self-Assessment Report.

In her opening remarks, Ms. Farrah Marie Separa-Erazo, OQuAMS Director, emphasized the importance of excellence and quality assurance in higher education. She highlighted the commitment to achieving AUN-QA accreditation as a means of aligning MSU-IIT with global quality assurance standards.

The speakers for this one-day event are faculty members who underwent training for both AUN-QA Tier 1 and 2 Program Level Assessments that were conducted online in 2022 and in Hanoi, Vietnam in 2023. The AUN-QA Program Level Assessment consists of 8 criteria and 53 requirements. Criteria 1-4 pertain to design, criteria 5-7 focus on resources and criterion 8 addresses outputs.

Dr. Pamela F. Resurreccion, Vice Chancellor for Strategic Initiatives, discussed the introduction to AUN-QA, then the first and second criteria: Expected Learning Outcomes and Program Structure and Content, as well as the fifth criterion concerning Academic Staff.

Dr. Amelia T. Buan, a faculty member from the College of Education and Principal of the Integrated Developmental School, addressed the third and fourth criteria concerning Teaching and Learning Approach, and Student Assessment, respectively. Following her, Associate Professor Sittie Noffaisah B.

Pasandalan, a faculty member of the English Department and Assistant Dean of the College of Arts and Social Sciences, concluded the orientation by discussing the last two criteria, which focused on Student Support Services and Facilities and Infrastructure.

The AUN-QA Orientation offered an extensive insight of quality assurance in higher education, equipping academic leaders to navigate the accreditation process, citing areas of improvement while highlighting MSU-IIT’s strengths as a leading Higher Education Institution in Mindanao.

The insights shared during the orientation will serve as a start for future endeavors at the University, ensuring that MSU-IIT remains at the forefront of educational innovation and quality assurance practices. 

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