
MSU-IIT represented in int鈥檒 cultural federation

Nov 08 2011

The Culture and Arts (C and A) programs of the Institute have been boosted with the IIT’s inclusion as member in the Federation of Asian Culture Promotions (FACP).

The FACP held its 29th International Conference in Manila at the Diamond Hotel last Nov. 2-5, 2011 gathering some 200 culture promoters, impresarios, and artists from all over the world. The federation seeks to promote the culture and arts resources of member nations in exchanges around the world. Philippine Governor is Raul Sunico, famous classical pianist and President of the Cultural Center of the Philippines.

Working with the theme “The Cultural Treasures of Asia-Pacific on the Global Stage,” the conference invited prominent C and A practitioners and policy makers who shared practices from their host countries. The Conference offers strategies in the various performance offerings “that can fuse the wealth of cultural treasures with the global environment, while attracting and nurturing future performing arts audiences.”

The MSU-IIT was represented by Zayda Macarambon (Cultural Development Officer), Frank Englis (Octava Choral Society), and Integrated Performing Arts Guild (IPAG) Director Steven P.C. Fernandez with administrator Arlem Abanes. Completing the team were IPAG artists Leilani Monterola and Hermi Dico who manned the display booth.

Alongside the conference were showcase performances of international artists, hosted dinners, gala performances (highlighted by a concert of the Taipei Symphony Orchestra), and an Arts Market where major performing companies displayed their resources and negotiated with prospective impresarios.

The MSU-IIT booth (mounted by the IPAG) presented the only performing company outside of Manila that exhibited its resources.

Next year’s conference in July will be held in Java, Indonesia.


Hsu Po-Yun

Topics : ipag octava