Educational Media Center

Locations: Rooms 202, 203, 207, 306 CED - ICT Laboratory, Multi Media Center MSU-IIT - World Links Training Center
Service Hours: 7:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.


To be a globally eminent organization offering excellent ICTs in Education programs and services needed by the College of Education constituents and its neighboring communities of learning.


To support the College of Education constituents and members of the community of learning attain empowerment through the effective use of Information and Communication Technologies.


  1. Assistance to CED students on activating MY.MSUIIT and MOLE account
  2. Technical assistance on the operation and production of audio visual media for instruction.
  3. Maintenance of instructional materials and equipment in AV Media Center.
  4. Organize and conduct training on the use of Information and Communication Technologies
  5. Conduct researches on ICTs in Education


The College of Education Educational Media Center Organizational Structure

CED AVMC Organizational Structure

Policies on the Use of the CED AV Media Center Facilities:

The CED AV Media Center manages the Audio Visual Rooms (Room 202,203,207,306) CED-ICT Laboratory and MSU-IIT World Links Training Center, and the Multimedia Center. Faculty members and students may avail of the services of the AV Media Center subject to the following guidelines:

  1. Faculty members and students may use the AV Rooms, CED-ICT laboratory and World Links Training Center for curricular, co-curricular and extra-curricular activities only.
    1. Use computers for activities such as Online Treasure Hunt ,Webquest, online learning, micro lessons and other ICT related activities in their classes as reflected in the syllabus.
    2. Show movies, slides, filmstrips, videotapes, video compact disc, and other visual/audiovisual media for instruction.
  2. Interested users must comply with the reservation procedure.
  3. Reservation for the use of AV Media Center facilities and equipments should be made one week in advance. Reservations done on a short notice may be accommodated provided reason/s is/are valid and is subject to availability of the facility/equipment
  4. Reservations made by the students for a class activity will require the endorsement of the faculty member concerned; those made by student organization for extra-curricular activities will require the endorsement of the concerned adviser and an approved DSA permit for holding such activities.
  5. Faculty member who signed the reservation form is responsible for the equipment/s loaned and should be present for the whole duration of the activity.
  6. Non-IIT groups who wish to avail of the CED AV Media Center facilities have to submit a written request to the CED Dean, and shall be entertained upon the latter’s approval of this request.
  7. Installation and use of pirated software, DVDs, compact discs, tapes and other AV media is not encouraged.
  8. AV media shall be used within the CED premises. As much as possible AV media should not be transferred or moved without the permission from the CED AV Media staff.
  9. The faculty who is handling a class in the ICT-LAB, World Links Training Center & Multimedia Center is required to login in a logbook handed by the respective assistants.

File Management

Students and faculty are encouraged to use CED custom-made Presentation Templates for their presentations and reports, the said templates are downloadable from this site.

Procedure in Making Reservations

    1. Secure a reservation form from the AV Media Center.
    2. Verify with the Multimedia Center Staff or concerned Department Chairman of the availability of the AV media facilty/ies. (for rooms 202, 203, 207, and 306 have the department chairpersons countersign)
    3. Fill-out the reservation form and submit to the CED AV Media staff for approval.
    4. Pay the stipulated amount when required.

General Rules of Conduct on the use of CED ICT Laboratory and MSU-IIT World Links Training Center

Faculty In-charge must accompany their classes during laboratory time.

1. Eating, drinking and playing of Windows’ computer games are strictly prohibited.
2 Strictly no using of flash drive.
3. Inform the laboratory staff any equipment or software not working properly.
4. Take extra care of the equipments (i.e. keyboards, mouse, etc.) and arrange it properly after use.
5. Do not install unnecessary programs and computer games.
6. Do not browse social networking (i.e. www.friendster.com) or unnecessary websites during classes unless your teacher allows you.
7. Do not modify computer settings or defaults.
8. Do not use more than one workstation at a time.
9. Minimize your voice when inside the laboratory.
10. Turn off the monitor after using.
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