
Osaka University professors in CASS forum

by Christine F. Godinez Ortega, Office of Publication & Information (OPI) | Aug 31 2016

A forum on "Reframing the learning of children in-between: Language Acquisition in a Multicultural Setting" was held at the Psychology Laboratory, College of Arts & Social Sciences today, August 30, 2016.

In collaboration with the Global Collaboration Unit- Center for Social Initiatives and Development of Osaka University, the Toyota Foundation and the MSU-IIT through the Department of English, CASS, the invited speakers included Prof. Masaki Hashimoto, Graduate School of Human Sciences of Osaka University, Prof. Ma. Theresa S. Villabona, and Prof. Lynnie Ann P. Deocampo. Prof. Shizuyo Yoshitomi, former Associate Professor, GLOCOL of Osaka University, gave the rationale of the event and introduced the participants.

A sharing of experiences among invited guests followed the focus group discussions.

Among the participants were: Dr. Nimfa L. Bracamonte, CASS; Jose Dennis Mancia of IMCC Center of Development; Jana Jean G. Dacobor of the Mindanaw Tripartite Youth Core; Mariannea Shia Ogawa of the University of Science and Technology in Southern Philippines, Dahnia Zein A. Domado of Xavier University; Amelia Revz M. Jimenez of St. Michael’s College-High School; Dr. Hilton J. Aguja, CASS; and Majalia Burling Olivia. Prof Gyo Miyahara of Global Collaboration Unit of Osaka University was moderator.

Dr. Nelia G. Balgoa, Chair of the Department of English, CASS gave the closing remarks.

Topics : Language Acquisition Multicultural Setting CASS GLOCOL Osaka University