
University Library

Policies and Procedures


  1. Constituents of MSU-IIT
    • Officials
    • Faculty and other academic personnel
    • Bona fide students
    • Administrative Employees
  2. Non-members of the Institute may be allowed to use the library with permit from the Institute Librarian's Office. Only room use of library materials is allowed.
    • Alumni and former faculty members.
    • Faculty and students of educational institutions who are officially referred to the library.
    • Government employees and personnel of industrial firms doing research for official purpose.
    • Personnel of business and industrial firms doing research for official purpose.


  1. Valid University ID. This is to be presented at the Control Desk upon entrance and whenever one borrows a library material.


A permit must be secured from the office of the University Librarian before anyone is allowed to use any of the library facilities. The user is subjected to existing library policies, rules and regulations. Privilege is restricted to room use and photo duplication of materials.

  1. To avail of the permit, one must have a valid ID and referral letter from the chief librarian or head of office of the prospective user.
  2. A library fee of P50.00 per visit is imposed for the use of any unit library or section. (Except for the Alumni with alumni I.D. and retired faculty members)
  3. All fees must be paid at the Cashier's Office.
  4. The user must present the Official Receipt issued by the Cashier's Office to the Library in-charge at the Auxiliary Section, located at the 2nd floor, Main Library. A referral form duly signed by the University Librarian is given to the user to be presented to the Librarian in the library where the user is referred to.

Academic Libraries Information Network (ALINET) members - Library user who is a member of ALINET is charged with P20.00 per visit to any unit library within the campus. (With ALINET form presented)


  • Fines. Penalty is imposed if a borrower fails to return the materials as follows:
    • Circulation Books. Five pesos (P5.00) per day is imposed for every overdue material (Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays are counted).
    • Reserve Books. Twenty pesos (P20.00) per day is imposed for every overdue material (Saturdays, Sundays and holidays are counted).
    • Filipiniana/Serials/Reference resources in all college/unit libraries are for room use only. If taken out without permission or not returned on due time, a fine of one hundred pesos (P100.00) per day is imposed.
  • Recall. All library materials borrowed are subject to when the need arises and to be returned within 2 days after receiving the recall notice.
  • Losses. Lost borrowed materials must be reported immediately to the librarian and must be replaced by the borrower. In cases where the lost library material is out of print or is no longer available in the bookstore, the borrower must pay the price equal to the amount listed in the Property Accountability Receipt (PAR) or in the Log Book kept by the Technical Services Division.
  • Online Library Clearance. Unreturned library materials and unsettled accountabilities will be posted in the Online Clearance System. Students are directed to check on their My.IIT accounts to settle their library obligations.
  • Damaged Material. Any damaged material must be replaced or repaired by the borrower.


  1. Proper conduct is expected of all library users. Courtesy, politeness and respect for others should be observed at all times. Loud conversation, smoking, eating, use of cell phones and littering are deemed improper inside the library.
  2. Return catalog trays, books, periodicals and chairs to the proper places after using them. Do not pull out the catalog cards on the catalog trays.
  3. Treat the library materials with care. Mutilating, marking or damaging materials impedes the work of fellow students and other users. It is an offense penalized by a fine, the amount depending on the extent of the damage done or suspension.
  4. Always seek the assistance of the librarian when using the computers, printer, CD-ROM, slides, video tapes, cassette tapes, television set and VHS players, etc.
  5. Repeated violation of library rules and misconduct for 3 times is subjected to recommendation for disciplinary action to the Department of Student Affairs such as:
    • Using other Borrower's card or lending own Borrower's card to other users;
    • Incurring repeated overdue.
    • Forging other user's signature.
    • Misconduct (impolite, violation of library rules and regulations).
    • 5.5 Thief or stealing library materials or bags or money of other students inside the library.
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