Accelerated Science and Technology Human Resource Development Program


The Department of Science and Technology— Science Education Institute (DOST-SEI) announces the availability of scholarships for the pursuance of ²Ñ²¹²õ³Ù±ð°ù’s and Doctorate degrees in priority S&T areas through the implementation of the Accelerated Science and Technology Human Resource Development Program (ASTHRDP).

Type of Scholarship

  • MS/PhD Program
  • Thesis/Dissertation Grant Support for researches aligned with the DOST R&D priority areas.

Criteria of Eligibility

An applicant must:

  1. Be a Filipino citizen
  2. Not more than 45 years old at the time of application
  3. Be in good health condition
  4. Pass the admission requirements for graduate studies at any of the NSC-member-universities and;
  5. Pass the interview and other screening procedures.

Scholarship Privileges

MS (PhP) PhD (PhP)
Tuition & Other School Fees Actual
Stipend 25,000/month 33,000/month
Book Allowance 20,000/academic year
Transportation Allowance* Actual
Insurance Coverage 1,000,000/year
Thesis/Dissertation Dry 30,000 60,000
Wet 50,000 100,000
Student Research Support Fund Research Grant 89,000 253,000
Dissemination Grant 75,000 150,000
Mentor’s Fee 36,000 72,000

*One (1) actual economy class round trip fare per Academic Year; given only to those who will study outside their home province.


The stipends in the remaining months of scholarship period shall be given to a scholar who completes his/her degree earlier than the prescribed period of his/her study.

For more details
Please visit
MSU-IIT Eligible programs:
  • Doctor of Philosophy in Biology
  • Doctor of Philosophy in Chemistry
  • Doctor of Philosophy in Environmental Science
  • Doctor of Philosophy in Marine Science
  • Doctor of Philosophy in Mathematics
  • Doctor of Philosophy in Physics
  • Doctor of Philosophy in Statistics
  • Master of Biology
  • Master of Science in Biology
  • Master in Chemistry
  • Master of Science in Chemistry
  • Master of Science in Environmental Science
  • Master of Science in Marine Biology
  • Master of Mathematics
  • Master of Science in Mathematics
  • Master of Physics
  • Master of Science in Physics
  • Master of Applied Statistics
  • Master of Science in Statistics

    Capacity Building Program in Science and Mathematics Education


    The Department of Science and Technology Science Education Institute (DOST-SEI) in cooperation with the National Consortium in Graduate Science and Mathematics Education (NCGSME), offers scholarships for ²Ñ²¹²õ³Ù±ð°ù’s and Doctorate degrees in Science and Mathematics Education under the Capacity Building Program in Science and Mathematics Education (CBPSME).


    1. ²Ñ²¹²õ³Ù±ð°ù’s in Mathematics / Science Education
    2. Doctoral in Mathematics / Science Education
    3. Thesis/Dissertation Grant

    Criteria of Eligibility

    An applicant must be:

    1. Natural-born Filipino citizen;
    2. Not be more than 45 years old at the time of application;
    3. Be in good health and of good moral character;
    4. Pass the admission requirements for graduate studies at any of the consortium member-universities;
    5. Have at least two years teaching experience in science and mathematics for Doctoral; or at least one year teaching experience or have graduated with academic honors or graduated as DOST scholar for ²Ñ²¹²õ³Ù±ð°ù’s:
      • If employed: Be allowed to study full-time for two or three years (Residential Mode) and part-time for six years at UPOU (Distance Education Mode);
      • For employees of the DepEd, signed Form 2A by the school Division Superintendent and Regional Director;
      • For employed non DepEd applicants, signed Form 2B by the Head of the University.
    6. Not be a recipient of other scholarship; and
    7. Be willing to accept the terms and conditions specified in the Scholarship Contract.

    Scholarship Privileges

    MS/PhD Component
    MS (PhP) PhD (PhP)
    Tuition & Other School Fees Actual
    Stipend 25,000/month 33,000/month
    Book Allowance 20,000/academic year
    Transportation Allowance* One (1) economy roundtrip fare / academic year
    Health and Accident Group Insurance Premium

    *Given only to those who will study outside their home province.

    Thesis/Dissertation Grant
    MS (PhP) PhD (PhP)
    Thesis/Dissertation Grant for non-regular DOST-SEI graduate scholar 50,000 100,000
    For more details

    Please visit .

    MSU-IIT Eligible programs:
    • Doctor of Philosophy in Science Education in Chemistry
    • Master of Arts in Education
      • Major in Reading
      • Major in Guidance Counseling
    • Master of Science Education
      • Major in Biology
      • Major in Chemistry
      • Major in Elementary Mathematics
      • Major in Secondary Mathematics
      • Major in General Science
      • Major in Physics
    • Master of Science in Physical Education

    Engineering Research and Development for Technology


    ERDT scholarship aims to provide master’s and doctoral degrees in various engineering fields to deliver high-impact research, upgrade the qualifications of practicing engineers, and develop a culture of research and development.

    Type of Scholarship

    • ²Ñ²¹²õ³Ù±ð°ù’s and Doctorate Programs

    Criteria of Eligibility

    An applicant must:

    1. Be a Filipino citizen;
    2. Not be more than 45 years old at the time of application;
    3. Have passed the admission requirements of the graduate program supported by ERDT;
    4. Have BS/MS degree in engineering or related field;
    5. Be in good health; and
    6. Not have criminal/administrative cases.

    Scholarship Privileges

    MS (PhP) PhD (PhP)
    Tuition & Other School Fees Actual
    Stipend 25,000/month 33,000/month
    Book Allowance 20,000/academic year
    Transportation Allowance1 One (1) roundtrip economy fare up to 10,000/academic year
    Thesis/Dissertation Allowance 50,000 100,000
    Research Support Grant2 225,000 475,000
    Research Grant (Lab equipment/related cost)3 114,000 253,000
    Research Dissemination Grant 75,000 150,000
    Mentor’s Fee 36,000 72,000
    Mentor’s Fee 1,000,000/academic year

    1Given to students who study outside their home province
    2Must be applied by the scholars, subject to evaluation and approval. Grant approved is subject to liquidation
    3Not applicable to Master of Engineering scholars

    For more details

    Please visit .

    MSU-IIT Eligible programs:
    • Doctor of Engineering in Civil Engineering
    • Doctor of Engineering in Mechanical Engineering
    • Doctor of Engineering in Materials Science and Engineering
    • Master of Engineering
    • Master of Science in Civil Engineering
    • Master of Science in Electrical Engineering
    • Master of Science in Mechanical Engineering
    • Master of Science in Materials Science and Engineering

    Scholarship for Instructors’ Knowledge Advancement Program


    Scholarships for Instructors’ Knowledge Advancement Program (SIKAP) provides opportunities for Higher Education Institution (HEI) teaching personnel, or former HEI teaching personnel seeking advanced studies in identified universities and colleges in the Philippines.

    Type of Scholarship

    • MS/PhD Program

    Criteria of Eligibility

    An applicant must:

    1. Be a Filipino citizen;
    2. Be employed as a Teaching Personnel in an HEI, or have been employed as Teaching Personnel within the last twelve (12) months, at the time of Application;
      • Does not hold an administrative or management position;
      • Does not hold full-time employment in any government agency, or private company, which are not HEIs (e.g. State and Local Universities and Colleges, Private HEIs, etc.);
    3. For full-time scholars, must commit to pursue the program on a full time study a. If the scholar is employed, with commitment / proof from the employer to release the applicant for full time study and will be released from all teaching and/or administrative duties for the duration of the scholarship.
    4. For part-time scholars, must commit to have a maximum of twelve (12) units of teaching load, or twenty (20) hours of work per week, in no case greater than any of the two conditions;
    5. Has been admitted to an eligible graduate program;
      • Must be pursuing a program vertically articulated to her/his teaching discipline;
      • Must not hold a degree in the degree level being pursued (i.e. applicants for a scholarship for doctorate degree, must not already possess a doctorate degree);
      • In the event where the teaching personnel was not able to pursue a degree vertically articulated to his/her teaching discipline is still eligible provided that a strong justification is provided (e.g. program being pursued is an emerging or niche program), subject to the approval of the Commission en Banc. For scholars who are employed, the justification must be from the head of the Institution.
    6. Be of age that will allow her/him to render sufficient return service after obtaining her/his graduate degree; This will be guided by the following rules:
      • If admitted in a ²Ñ²¹²õ³Ù±ð°ù’s degree program, the applicant must not be more than 52 years old at the time of application;
      • If admitted in a Doctorate degree program, s/he must not be more than 50 years old at the time of application; and
      • Exceptions may be considered as may be provided for by the Commission en Banc.
    7. Not be enjoying any other government-funded scholarship or grant at the time of application;
    8. Committed to complete the degree program requirements within the study duration; and
    9. Not have a relative, up to the fourth (4th) degree of consanguinity or affinity, to any CHED employee in the CHED Regional Office (CHED RO) where the application is being processed.
    10. Exceptions to these criteria may be considered by the Commission En Banc on a case-to-case basis.

    Scholarship Privileges

    Full-time (Php) Part-time (Php)
    ²Ñ²¹²õ³Ù±ð°ù’s Doctorate ²Ñ²¹²õ³Ù±ð°ù’s Doctorate
    Tuition & Other Fees Actual cost of tuition and other fees
    Monthly Living Allowance 25,000 33,000 12,500 16,500
    Book Allowance 12,000/academic year 6,000/academic year
    Transportation Assistance 12,000/academic year 6,000/academic year
    Thesis/Dissertation/Capstone Project Allowance 50,000 100,000 50,000 100,000

    For Sandwich Component

    ²Ñ²¹²õ³Ù±ð°ù’s Doctorate
    Living Allowance

    Tier 1 Countries: Php 40,000/month

    Tier 2 Countries: Php 60,000/month

    Tier 3 Countries: Php 80,000/month

    Transportation Assistance One (1) Roundtrip Economy Class Ticket (reimbursement basis)

    Tier 1 Countries: Southeast Asian Countries except Singapore
    Tier 2 Countries: Singapore, China, Eastern Europe, and all other countries not included in Tier 1 and 3
    Tier 3 Countries: United States of America, Japan, Australia, and Western Europe

    Additional Privileges / Incentives

    ²Ñ²¹²õ³Ù±ð°ù’s Doctorate
    Student Research Support Fund Research Support Grant 50,000 100,500
    Research Publication Incentive up to two (2) publications ISI-indexed, Scopus, or We-of-Science Publication Php 50,000
    Peer-reviewed Journal Php 30,000
    Mentor's Fee 50,000 100,000
    Early Completion Incentive The remaining allotment for living allowances up to the end of the approved study plan

    For more details

    Please visit .

    MSU-IIT Eligible programs:
    Doctoral Programs
    • Doctor of Philosophy in Biology
    • Doctor of Philosophy in Chemistry
    • Doctor of Philosophy in Environmental Science
    • Doctor of Philosophy in Marine Science
    • Doctor of Philosophy in Mathematics
    • Doctor of Philosophy in Physics
    • Doctor of Philosophy in Statistics
    • Doctor of Engineering in Civil Engineering
    • Doctor of Engineering in Mechanical Engineering
    • Doctor of Engineering in Materials Science and Engineering
    • Doctor in Business Administration
    • Doctor of Philosophy in Science Education
    • Doctor of Philosophy in English Language Studies
    • Doctor of Philosophy in Filipino
    • Doctor of Philosophy in Sociology
    • Doctor in Sustainable Development Studies
    ²Ñ²¹²õ³Ù±ð°ù’s Programs
    • Master of Biology
    • Master of Science in Biology
    • Master in Chemistry
    • Master of Science in Chemistry
    • Master of Science in Environmental Science
    • Master of Science in Marine Biology
    • Master of Mathematics
    • Master of Science in Mathematics
    • Master of Physics
    • Master of Science in Physics
    • Master of Applied Statistics
    • Master of Science in Statistics
    • Master of Science in Civil Engineering
    • Master of Science in Electrical Engineering
    • Master of Science in Mechanical Engineering
    • Master of Science in Materials Science and Engineering
    • Master in Business Administration
    • Master of Arts in Education
    • Master of Science in Education
    • Master of Science in Physical Education
    • Master of Arts in English Language Studies
    • Master of Arts in Filipino
    • Master of Arts in Panitikan
    • Master of History
    • Master of Arts in History
    • Master of Arts in Political Science
    • Master in Public Administration
    • Master of Arts in Sociology
    • Master of Science in Computer Applications
    • Master of Science in Computer Science
    • Master of Science in Information Technology
    • Master in Sustainable Development Studies
    • Master in Culture and Arts Studies

    For further queries

    Email us at: grantsadmin@g.msuiit.edu.ph

    Graduate Teaching Assistantship


    MSU-IIT, in its efforts to develop an educational program of democratization, offering its services not only to those who can afford but foremost to those who are deserving shall maintain assistantship programs for graduate students. Teaching Assistantship is a part time job, a maximum of 20 hours per week. Duties include teaching, laboratory work, grading laboratory manual/test papers and coaching student on the undergraduate courses. The financial aid is usually available to new graduate student.

    Objective of the Program

    1. To assist deserving graduate student in meeting the cost of graduate studies.
    2. To provide for a solution to faculty overloading.

    Criteria of Eligibility

    1. An applicant must be a full time graduate student.
    2. He shall have working experience of at least 1 year and/or must have taken at least 12 graduate course units.

    Application and Screening

    To apply for assistantship, a student must submit the following information to the department in need of a graduate teaching assistant

    1. The completed assistantship application form,
    2. Official transcript of all college and university records, and
    3. Two letters of recommendation from former professors.

    Scholarship Privileges

    Teaching Assistantship Duties Monthly Rate Tuition & Other Fees
    Quarter-time GTA 3 units teaching load plus office work 25% of monthly salary of an Instructor I Actual cost of tuition and other fees
    Half-time GTA 6 units teaching load of 1 preparation plus office work 50% of monthly salary of an Instructor I

    For more details

    Should you have questions or concerns please contact us at the following:

    Telephone No.: (063) 223-2345, local 4138

    E-mail: ogs@g.msuiit.edu.ph

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